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-EotL- Payload Extreme 5.0 | NO ADS
37 / 40 players
pl_sludgepit_final4 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

end of the line, increased_maxplayers, HLstatsX:CE, eotl, meleecrit, nh, nocrits, nodmgspread, noheroes, payload, pl, plx, respawntimes | PAYLOAD+ | US ████
35 / 32 players
pl_frontier_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

skial, free_items, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, norespawntime, payload, pl, frontier

32 / 32 players
pl_upward | |
gamemode "payload, class-wars, randomizer" | |
region "North America" |

HLstatsX:CE, alltalk, casual, class, classwars, increased_maxplayers, low ping, norespawntime, nyc, payload, randomizer, us, usa, wars

32 / 32 players
pl_barnblitz_pro6 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, payload, nocrits, alltalk, black, end, oprah, ops, petrol, pl, shou, skial, uncle
nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

The Furry Pound #4 - Stock Maps Only
24 / 24 players
pl_frontier_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |
fur, furry, furrypound, payload, stock, tfp, thefurrypound

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Chicago | 4 | All Maps+
24 / 24 players
pl_vigil_rc10 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia
nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | London | 1 | All Maps
24 / 24 players
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Seattle | 1 | All Maps
24 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Atlanta | 1 | All Maps
23 / 24 players
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Montréal | 5 | One Thousand Uncles
22 / 64 players
(40 bots)
(40 bots)
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, bots, danepve, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Montréal | 1 | One Thousand Uncles
21 / 64 players
(40 bots)
(40 bots)
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, bots, danepve, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Montréal | 3 | One Thousand Uncles
20 / 64 players
(40 bots)
(40 bots)
pl_enclosure_final | |
gamemode "payload, jungle" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, bots, danepve, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, uncletopia

Brasil Fortress | São Paulo @ Sonikro Solutions
18 / 24 players
pl_vigil_rc10 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |

nocrits, payload

-[]- |24/7 Chaos Fortress| [Official Version]
13 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, nocrits, payload | Armstrong [US-E] | Gamemode Madness US
10 / 40 players
pl_haywire_rc5 | |
gamemode "payload" (multi-mode) | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, gamemode, gamemode madness, increased_maxplayers, multimod, multimode, payload, red sun, redsun,, stt

bots, engi, increased_maxplayers, aus, alltalk, havfun, engineerfortress, norespawntime, fortress, fun, oce, payload, respawns, ssg

7 / 32 players
(6 bots)
(6 bots)
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, compspec, gravity, HLstatsX:CE, noblock, premium, registered, secure

CzR Hunting Grounds Source
7 / 32 players
(5 bots)
(5 bots)
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, bots, friendlyfire, HLstatsX:CE, premium, pure

Confidence Isn't Enough kickass
7 / 32 players
(8 bots)
(8 bots)
pl_snowycoast | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, dedicated

[Dark-Moon] Sky and light
7 / 32 players
(6 bots)
(6 bots)
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, bots, gravity, linux, pure, secure

increased_maxplayers, ctf, dedicated, linux, ranked

7 / 32 players
(11 bots)
(11 bots)
pl_thundermountain | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, fastdl, linux, ranked, registered, replays, stats

(Раздача!) RocetJump Server
7 / 32 players
(11 bots)
(11 bots)
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, compspec, friendlyfire, noblock, registered, stats

storM eSports OG
7 / 32 players
(13 bots)
(13 bots)
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, ctf, dedicated, gravity, public, ranked, replays, secure | PAYLOAD+ | EU ████
6 / 32 players
pl_metropolis_b7 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

skial, free_items, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, pl, metropolis

-EotL- Engineer Fortress | NO ADS
6 / 32 players
(25 bots)
(25 bots)
pl_cavetour_4bots_v1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

engineer fortress, HLstatsX:CE, alltalk, end of the line, increased_maxplayers, engy fortress, eotl, nocrits, payload

alltalk, bots, danepve, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, uncletopia

4 / 24 players
(8 bots)
(8 bots)
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "x10, payload, deathrun" | |
region "Europe" |

!, 10, 10x, alltalk, bots, deathrun, fast, ff2, goldrush, jail, jailbreak, no carts, payload, pl, pl_, plr_hightower, rtd, tdm, tower, vsh, x10

4 / 33 players
(20 bots)
(20 bots)
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

fragmasters, fm, gameME, increased_maxplayers, free, nocrits, norespawntime, alltalk, payload, pl, stats, unusual, respawntimes

Team Fortress
3 / 24 players
(19 bots)
(19 bots)
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |

bots, payload

Karma's Epic Server
3 / 12 players
(8 bots)
(8 bots)
pl_bloodwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

bots, nocrits, norespawntime, payload, respawntimes

Uncletopia | Warsaw | 2 | One Thousand Uncles
2 / 64 players
(40 bots)
(40 bots)
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, bots, danepve, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, uncletopia # BADWATER
2 / 60 players
(48 bots)
(48 bots)
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

_registered, bots, increased_maxplayers, noquickplay, norespawntime, payload, saigns, stats

Jbomb's Server
2 / 26 players
(22 bots)
(22 bots)
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |

bots, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload
_registered, bots, increased_maxplayers, noquickplay, norespawntime, payload, saigns, stats

around's Server
1 / 24 players
(17 bots)
(17 bots)
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |

bots, nocrits, payload || Uber Upgrades PvP
1 / 32 players
(10 bots)
(10 bots)
pl_upward | |
gamemode "uber-upgrades, payload" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, bots, payload, norespawntime, nocrits, alltalk, custom-weapons, uber, upgrades

Bangerz TF2 Engineer Fortress #2 || 21 HUMANS MAX
1 / 65 players
(39 bots)
(39 bots)
pl_cranetop_b8 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, bangers, bangerz, bots, engineer, engineer fortress, increased_maxplayers, nemu, nocrits, payload, respawntimes
bots, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload

eggno91's Server
1 / 101 players
(99 bots)
(99 bots)
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload

Team Fortress
1 / 24 players
pl_two_mesas | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |


Team Fortress
1 / 24 players
(15 bots)
(15 bots)
pl_cashworks | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |
bots, payload

Christopher Scott Kyle's Server
1 / 24 players
(22 bots)
(22 bots)
pl_millstone_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |
bots, payload

Team Fortress
1 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |

nocrits, norespawntime, payload

A Trifle Miffed's Server
1 / 24 players
(22 bots)
(22 bots)
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "unknown" |

bots, payload
increased_maxplayers, payload
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Pier, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes
nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Upward, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Cash Works | 24/7
0 / 32 players
pl_cashworks | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cash, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes, works

IdleServer.Com | Precipice
0 / 32 players
pl_precipice_event_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Precipice, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Frontier
0 / 32 players
pl_frontier_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Frontier, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | PAYLOAD #2
0 / 32 players
pl_halfacre | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, bloodwater, castle, hassle, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Bloodwater
0 / 32 players
pl_bloodwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Bloodwater, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Thunder Mountain Payload
0 / 32 players
pl_thundermountain | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Mountain, Thunder, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, pl, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Terror
0 / 32 players
pl_terror_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Terror, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Hoodoo
0 / 32 players
pl_hoodoo_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Hoodoo, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

Uncletopia | Hong Kong | 1 | All Maps+
0 / 24 players
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Asia" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

increased_maxplayers, payload, norespawntime, nocrits, respawntimes, engineer, medic, muselk, pubstf, survival, zombies

Uncletopia | Dallas | 3 | All Maps+
0 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Dallas | 2 | Badwater 24/7
0 / 24 players
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

0 / 24 players
(12 bots)
(12 bots)
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "x10, payload, deathrun" | |
region "North America" |

!, 10, 10x, alltalk, bots, deathrun, fast, ff2, goldrush, jail, jailbreak, no carts, payload, pl, pl_, plr_hightower, rtd, tdm, tower, vsh, x10

IdleServer.Com | Corruption | 24/7
0 / 32 players
pl_corruption | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, corruption, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes
24/7, Borneo, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Wutville
0 / 32 players
pl_wutville_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Wutville, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, gold, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes, venice

IdleServer.Com | Rumble
0 / 32 players
pl_rumble_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Rumble, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Swift Water
0 / 32 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Swift, Water, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Breadspace
0 / 32 players
pl_breadspace | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Breadspace, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Millstone
0 / 32 players
pl_millstone_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Millstone, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | GOLDRUSH
0 / 32 players
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, gold, goldrush, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Hassle Castle
0 / 32 players
pl_hasslecastle | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Castle, Hassle, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Badwater
0 / 32 players
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Badwater, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, bad, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Snowycoast
0 / 32 players
pl_snowycoast | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, Snowycoast, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

qtland Matchmaking Server (Stockholm srcds2015-sto1 #92)
0 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
payload, qtland

Uncletopia | Frankfurt | 7 | Badwater 24/7
0 / 24 players
pl_badwater | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Frankfurt | 1 | All Maps
0 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Frankfurt | 6 | Fixed
0 / 24 players
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Frankfurt | 5 | Rototion
0 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

Uncletopia | Frankfurt | 2 | All Maps
0 / 24 players
pl_phoenix | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

payload, qtland

qtland Matchmaking Server (Stockholm srcds2015-sto1 #40)
0 / 24 players
pl_rumford_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
payload, qtland

payload, qtland

payload, qtland

payload, qtland

qtland Matchmaking Server (Stockholm srcds2015-sto1 #26)
0 / 24 players
pl_thundermountain | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
payload, qtland

0 / 32 players
pl_borneo | |
gamemode "payload, stop-that-tank" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, blackwonder, increased_maxplayers, payload, pl_, stop, stt, tank

qtland Matchmaking Server (Stockholm srcds2015-sto1 #72)
0 / 24 players
pl_hoodoo_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
payload, qtland

0 / 32 players
pl_goldrush | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

increased_maxplayers, payload, nocrits, alltalk, blackwonder, casual, pl, plr, rotation, vanilla,

IdleServer.Com | PAYLOAD
0 / 32 players
pl_sneglect_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, bloodwater, castle, hassle, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

0 / 32 players
pl_upward | |
gamemode "payload, custom-weapons" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, payload, alltalk, blackwonder, custom, new, update, weapons,

increased_maxplayers, payload, nocrits, alltalk, blackwonder, casual, pl, plr, rotation, vanilla,

0 / 32 players
pl_beerbowl_b6c | |
gamemode "payload, zombies" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, payload, nocrits, alltalk, blackwonder, dispenser, engineer, medic, survival, vs, zombie, zombies, zs,

0 / 32 players
pl_borneo | |
gamemode "payload, stop-that-tank" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, blackwonder, increased_maxplayers, payload, pl_, stop, stt, tank

TF2FR | Hangout Server
0 / 24 players
pl_extinction_rc3 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

0 / 24 players
pl_hoodoo_final | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, nocrits, oprahs petrol station, ops, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Spineyard | 24/7
0 / 32 players
pl_spineyard | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes, spineyard

IdleServer.Com | Enclosure
0 / 32 players
pl_enclosure_final | |
gamemode "payload, jungle" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Enclosure, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes
24/7, Chilly, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Fifth Curve
0 / 32 players
pl_fifthcurve_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Curve, Fifth, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

Uncletopia | London | 2 | All Maps
0 / 24 players
pl_swiftwater_final1 | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |

nocrits, nodmgspread, payload, uncletopia

IdleServer.Com | Barnblitz
0 / 32 players
pl_barnblitz | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Barnblitz, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

IdleServer.Com | Coal
0 / 32 players
pl_coal_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "North America" |

24/7, Coal, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, payload, respawntimes

qtland Matchmaking Server (Stockholm srcds2015-sto1 #103)
0 / 24 players
pl_rumford_event | |
gamemode "payload" | |
region "Europe" |
payload, qtland