Russian game project dedicated to Team Fortress 2. Streaming, communication, fun. We are interested in self-development and learning new things.
Servers are located in Novosibirsk, connected to excellent BGP routes, protected from DDoS attacks.
There are Jump Academy, DoubleCross servers, and also we partner with Omsk Land sub-project.
FoxSys Technologies Inc. - A place where everyone is his own.
77 player(s) in-game
8 servers
/ Russia, Novosibirsk
attack-defend, cp-orange, ctf, jumping, achievement, mge-mod
Verified official gameservers from [RU] FoxSys Technologies.Preferences

28 / 64 players
cp_dustbowl | |
gamemode "attack-defend" | |
region "Europe" |

24/7, alltalk, cp, dustbowl, egypt, fast, fastresp, fox, frostwatch, gorge, idle, idle, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, nsk

20 / 64 players
cp_orange_project_v5a | |
gamemode "cp-orange" | |
region "Europe" |

MOUSE, ROFLAN, airstrafe, alltalk, cp, dm, hlx, idle, increased_maxplayers, mouse, norespawntime, omsk, orange, playerranks, rof

19 / 64 players
ctf_doublecross | |
gamemode "ctf" | |
region "Europe" |

HLX:CE, alltalk, ctf, devilcross, doublecross, doublefrost, duels, foxsys, fun, hlx, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, play

★ FoxSys Tech | ► JUMP ACADEMY 2 [JumpBOT]
6 / 64 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, bots, cp, demoman, dpa, helpers, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpbot, jumpqol, learn, lobby, nocrits, norespawntime, respawn, respawn

★ FoxSys Tech | ► JUMP ACADEMY 1 [JumpBOT]
4 / 64 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy_classic_b | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, bots, cp, demoman, dpa, helpers, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpbot, jumpqol, learn, lobby, nocrits, norespawntime, respawn, respawn

★ FoxSys Tech | ► TURBINE [FAST:RESP]
0 / 64 players
ctf_turbine | |
gamemode "ctf" | |
region "Europe" |

increased_maxplayers, ctf, norespawntime, alltalk, HLX:CE, duels, foxsys, fun, hlx, playerranks, ranks, siberia, sibnet, stats, taunt, turbine

★ FoxSys Tech | ► MGE-MOD [1x1 | 2x2]
0 / 64 players
mge_chillypunch_final4_fix2 | |
gamemode "achievement, mge-mod" | |
region "Europe" |

MOUSE, ROFLAN, achievements, airstrafe, alltalk, hlx, increased_maxplayers, items, mge, mouse, nocrits, omsk, rtd, ru, stats, taunts, tf2stats