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Critical Failure's Psychiatric Sanctuary || PropHunt
7 / 32 players
(9 bots)
(9 bots)
koth_viaduct | |
gamemode "koth, prophunt" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, cp, increased_maxplayers, dedicated, friendlyfire, HLstatsX:CE, noblock, public, pure, stats

Team Fortress 2
1 / 24 players
ph_turbinecenter_rc1a | |
gamemode "prophunt" | |
region "unknown" |

alltalk, gravity, hidden, nocrits, payload US | Prophunt
0 / 32 players
koth_harvest_final | |
gamemode "koth, prophunt" | |
region "Europe" |

increased_maxplayers, cp, respawntimes, alltalk, FREE, Prop, Random, XXX, anime, anime, best, best ping, brony, cool, eu, gametracker, panda, pa #21 | Prophunt
0 / 32 players
ph_farm_a5 | |
gamemode "prophunt" | |
region "Europe" |

FREE, Prop, Random, XXX, alltalk, anime, anime, arena, best, best ping, brony, cool, eu, g, gravity, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes