Serverlist: Dodgeball
Custom serverlists by members of the community.
Reflect away!
8 subscribed
In Dodgeball, everyone plays as the Pyro. Rockets and nuclear bombs are fired from a pre-determined spot in the map. Each team of Pyros uses their compression blast ability to reflect the rockets and bombs back at the other team.
These projectiles are designed to follow one targeted player until deflected by an air blast. When the projectile is air blasted, its affinity and color changes and it targets a random player on the opposite team. It gains speed with each deflection until the projectile's new target does not successfully deflect it, damaging or killing the target. The rocket can also be reflected into the ground to allow the player to survive and reset the rocket, and even rocket jump.
Gameplay continues until one team is eliminated entirely. Players are usually continuously supplied with ammunition via the map or a custom Flamethrower.
Created 2 serverlist(s). Is owner of MaxDB.
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arena, nocrits, 1vs1, alltalk, ball, db, dodge, dodgeball, ending, ner, never, round, solo, stats, tfdb, tfstats, training
FUN, RTD, adveno, alltalk, arena, bots, db, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, model_manager, no_ads,
alltalk, arena, ball, dodge, dodgeball, fun, legion,, linux, no_ads, noads, nuke, playerranks, pyro, rocket, rtd, us
arena, alltalk, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, easy, sounds, tfdb,
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb
Furry, Wonder, Unusual, FREE, Air, Custom, Dodge, Ball, FastDL, Dodgeball, Fun, XX, HHH, DB, Creators, Anime, Pony, RTD, Skial, alltalk, arena, bots
alltalk, arena, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, noquickplay, norespawntime
alltalk, arena, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, noquickplay, norespawntime
arena, alltalk, Flux, ball, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, sounds, tfdb,
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb, wave
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, easy, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb
alltalk, arena, birthday, bots, cancer, db, dmgspread, dodge, dodgeball, friendlyfire, fucktheadmins, gokusuxdicx, jetpack, no, norespawntime
alltalk, arena, birthday, bots, cancer, db, dmgspread, dodge, dodgeball, friendlyfire, fucktheadmins, gokusuxdicx, jetpack, no, norespawntime
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb
alltalk, arena, ball, blackwonder, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, increased_maxplayers, sounds, tfdb