A radical alternative to other old dogeball servers with good balance betweeen fun palyability and competetive gameplay, with smooth, controllable, yet complex semi-wave all dimensions physics, and good fair rank system. Also server serves free fast to earn items.
More info at server's website https://swagville.ru/about/
Gameplay demonstration: https://swagville.ru
DIscord https://discord.gg/f2rHNSwTX9
0 player(s) in-game
2 servers
/ Russia
Verified official gameservers from >====SwagVille=Dodgeball====<.Preferences

>====SwagVillE=Dodgeball(Beginner)====< [FREE ITEMS]
0 / 10 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
tfdb_pit_of_death_sv1 | |
gamemode "dodgeball" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, arena, birthday, bots, cancer, db, dmgspread, dodge, dodgeball, friendlyfire, fucktheadmins, gokusuxdicx, jetpack, no, norespawntime

>====SwagVillE=Dodgeball(Expert)====< [FREE ITEMS]
0 / 20 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
tfdb_pit_of_death_sv1 | |
gamemode "dodgeball" | |
region "Europe" |

alltalk, arena, birthday, bots, cancer, db, dmgspread, dodge, dodgeball, friendlyfire, fucktheadmins, gokusuxdicx, jetpack, no, norespawntime