Welcome to the Fire Friendly community! Our goal is to provide players with fun and unique servers to play on. We're always making custom content and using it to improve the overall gaming experience for our players. We specialize in non-vanilla game modes such as: Freak Fortress, Saxton Hale, Deathrun, Prophunt, Dodgeball, Slenderman, Surf, Warioware, Smash Bros, Randomizer, X10 and Trading.
45 player(s) in-game
19 servers
slender, control-point, trading, dodgeball, surfing, arena, versus-saxton-hale
Verified official gameservers from Fire Friendly.Preferences

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Slender Fortress #1| [Scary!]
23 / 32 players
slender_skinwalker_v3c | |
gamemode "slender" | |
region "North America" |

Anime, Slender, Skial, Scare, FREE, Furry, Creators, Wonder, Halloween, Pony, alltalk, friendlyfire, increased_maxplayers, respawntimes

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Zombie Riot| [Official Version]
10 / 16 players
zr_brazilian | |
region "North America" |

NPC, Zombie Riot, VSH, FREE, Anime, Furry, Hale, Halloween, nocrits, alltalk, Skial, Pony, Wonder, PvE, ZR, Zombie, norespawntime

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 RPG Fortress|[Custom Mod]
6 / 16 players
rpg_silvester | |
region "North America" |

Multi, XX, Furry, FREE, FF2, Boss, Custom, Creators, Fun, friendlyfire, alltalk, Pony, Death Run, Anime, Saxton, Skial, VSH, Wonder, nocrits

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Risk Fortress 2| [Risk of Rain 2]
4 / 8 players
rf2_bigrock | |
region "North America" |

bots, Hale, XXX, Anime, FREE, Risk, FastDL, Furry, Pony, nocrits, alltalk, Tiny, Random, Fun, RTD, Custom, VScript, respawntimes

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Murder Mod| [Hide & Sneak]
1 / 24 players
cp_manor_event | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
FREE, Anime, Fun, Furry, Hide, Creators, Murder, Pony, Skial, Spy, TTT, Wonder, XXX

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Idle/Trade #1| [MGE !duel]
1 / 32 players
achievement_idle_awesomebox8f7 | |
gamemode "trading" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, cp, respawntimes, alltalk, FREE, Furry, Pony, Idle, Anime, MGE, RTD, Admin, Creators, Skial, Trade, Wonder

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Dodgeball| [Airblast Fun!]
0 / 24 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
tfdb_gov_spacedodgeball | |
gamemode "dodgeball" | |
region "North America" |

Furry, Dodgeball, Fun, Anime, Creators, FREE, Air, Custom, Dodge, Ball, FastDL, arena, DB, Skial, HHH, Pony, RTD, alltalk, Unusual, Wonder, XX, bots

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Surf| [Skill Maps]
0 / 32 players
surf_lovetunnel | |
gamemode "surfing" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, nocrits, alltalk, Custom, Creators, Anime, FREE, Pony, Fun, Furry, RTD, Skial, Skill, Surf, Wonder, XXX, respawntimes

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Zombie Riot #2| [Official Version]
0 / 16 players
zr_evil | |
region "North America" |

NPC, Zombie Riot, VSH, FREE, Anime, Furry, Hale, Halloween, nocrits, alltalk, Skial, Pony, Wonder, PvE, ZR, Zombie, norespawntime

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Freak vs Freak| [Boss vs Boss Mode]
0 / 26 players
arena_tundra_b3a | |
gamemode "arena" | |
region "North America" |

FF2, Saxton, Fortress, alltalk, Fun, VSH, FREE, Boss, Freak, arena, Wonder, Hale, Pony, Furry, Creators, Anime, Skial, increased_maxplayers

-[DISC-FF.com]- |24/7 Freak Fortress 2| [Amp/Crits/RTD]
0 / 32 players
vsh_turbine_lz_b3 | |
gamemode "versus-saxton-hale" | |
region "North America" |

alltalk, Fun, VSH, FREE, Boss, Freak, FF2, Saxton, Fortress, arena, Wonder, Hale, Pony, Furry, Creators, Anime, Skial, increased_maxplayers