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It's that time of the bi-year again, where we suddenly remember that the showcase is a thing and there are maps that should be on it! It's been a while since this was last updated, and we would like to apologize for that, so consequently there are a lot of maps that made the cut! You guys have been productive over the past couple of years! As of today, the following maps in alphabetical order are now in the showcase:
koth Bagel by Yrrzy...
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published 4 years ago. 1,169 views, 68 likes, 1 dislikes and 14 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 4,394 views, 222 likes, 0 dislikes and 23 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 923 views, 48 likes, 1 dislikes and 5 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Added rate limit checks for in-game text chat
Accounts that are unable to chat in matchmaking can no longer update their in-game name while connected to the server
Fixed being able to update team name while in matchmaking games
Fixed seeing the RED team skin for the TF2VRH while on the BLU team
Updated/Added some tournament medals
Updated the localization files
published 4 years ago. 1,449 views, 71 likes, 2 dislikes and 14 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 0 views, 5 likes, 0 dislikes and 0 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 833 views, 40 likes, 1 dislikes and 10 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Restricted certain new accounts from using chat in official matchmaking modesWork is ongoing to mitigate the use of new and free accounts for abusive purposes Added "Enable text chat" and "Enable voice chat" options to the top of the Advanced Options dialog to disable in-game text and voice chat
Updated the Report Player dialog to include more details so players can make informed decisions about who they're reporting
Fixed getting the "Incoming message..." quest HUD notification when you've already completed all available quests
Fixed the OnDestroyed output not getting fired when an object is destroyed by the Red-Tape Recorder
Updated The Telefragger Toque to fix swapped materials
Updated The TF2VRH headset to include on/off styles
Updated the PASS Time Federation medals to fix issues with them not drawing correctly
Updated/Added some tournament medals
Updated the localization files
published 4 years ago. 1,112 views, 52 likes, 2 dislikes and 2 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 1,173 views, 68 likes, 0 dislikes and 0 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 1,280 views, 75 likes, 0 dislikes and 5 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 5,398 views, 187 likes, 2 dislikes and 52 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 2,543 views, 103 likes, 3 dislikes and 24 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 560 views, 50 likes, 0 dislikes and 0 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 1,188 views, 54 likes, 1 dislikes and 7 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 545 views, 39 likes, 0 dislikes and 1 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
published 4 years ago. 1,716 views, 59 likes, 1 dislikes and 20 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...
Looking for a different way to play Team Fortress? United Dodgeball League is a fast paced event where teams reflect a rocket back and forth quickly, with increasing speeds as the round timer ticks down.
Their new season starts June 8th. Matches are played once a week for a month. Play the times that work for you, any time, any day of the week!
1st Place - 24 keys
2nd Place - 15 keys
3rd Place - 9 keys
Don't worry about being a new player! Teams that don't make the top 3 positions can still win prizes such as in-game medals to show off! A 15 key prize pool will also be distributed among teams that don't win.
Sign up today through their Discord .
published 4 years ago. 947 views, 59 likes, 4 dislikes and 9 comments.
The Unofficial Official Team Fortress 2 Podcast. P...