Community news

Aggregated from all TF2 related websites and social media.


People always talk about what a great musician Mozart was. But you know who never updated any of his albums with free music? Go ahead, guess.

Did you guess Team Fortress 2? Bzzt. Wrong. Because we're adding three new numbers from our Jungle Inferno update to the TF2 Fight Songs album. If you bought Fight Songs on Steam Music, you don't have to do anything, because the songs have automatically been added to your account.

If you bought Fight Songs somewhere else, or even if you didnât buy Fight Songs, or even if you stole Fight Songs, or did any of those things and then later sold Fight Songs, or bought a recording studio out of spite and recorded a competing version of Fight Songs⦠look, youâre not on trial here. Download all three songs for free and weâll forget the whole thing ever happened.

Anyway, did you guess yet? Did you guess Mozart? Because thatâs what we guessed, too. Except we looked him up while you were reading and it turns out heâs famous for updating all his hit albums. But you know what he hasnât done yet? Make his sheet music and Sibelius files available for free, like weâre doing literally right now: Download our sheet music and Sibelius files. Checkmate, Mozart. See you in hell.

Team Fortress 2 Update Released TeamFortress Patches
4 years ago

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Accounts that are unable to chat in matchmaking are now also restricted from sending voice chat
  • Fixed a bug where cosmetic items in the second and third equip slots would be un-equipped
  • Fixed matchmaking badges not displaying the correct tier in the scoreboard and other dialogs
  • Added matchmaking badge and time connected to the Report Player dialog
  • Updated the vote kick process to automatically vote Yes for anyone who hasn't already voted if the target for the vote leaves the server
  • Updated the Mute Player dialog to have the same information as the Report Player dialog
  • Updated item schema with community fixes from Andrés S. (rabscootle)
  • Updated/Added some tournament medals
  • Updated the localization files

New Showcase Maps TF2Maps news
4 years ago
It's that time of the bi-year again, where we suddenly remember that the showcase is a thing and there are maps that should be on it! It's been a while since this was last updated, and we would like to apologize for that, so consequently there are a lot of maps that made the cut! You guys have been productive over the past couple of years! As of today, the following maps in alphabetical order are now in the showcase:

koth Bagel by Yrrzy...

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Team Fortress 2 Update Released TeamFortress Patches
4 years ago

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Added rate limit checks for in-game text chat
  • Accounts that are unable to chat in matchmaking can no longer update their in-game name while connected to the server
  • Fixed being able to update team name while in matchmaking games
  • Fixed seeing the RED team skin for the TF2VRH while on the BLU team
  • Updated/Added some tournament medals
  • Updated the localization files

Team Fortress 2 Update Released TeamFortress Patches
4 years ago

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Restricted certain new accounts from using chat in official matchmaking modes
    • Work is ongoing to mitigate the use of new and free accounts for abusive purposes
  • Added "Enable text chat" and "Enable voice chat" options to the top of the Advanced Options dialog to disable in-game text and voice chat
  • Updated the Report Player dialog to include more details so players can make informed decisions about who they're reporting
  • Fixed getting the "Incoming message..." quest HUD notification when you've already completed all available quests
  • Fixed the OnDestroyed output not getting fired when an object is destroyed by the Red-Tape Recorder
  • Updated The Telefragger Toque to fix swapped materials
  • Updated The TF2VRH headset to include on/off styles
  • Updated the PASS Time Federation medals to fix issues with them not drawing correctly
  • Updated/Added some tournament medals
  • Updated the localization files