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13 / 32 players
(14 bots)
(14 bots)
cp_omen_rc2 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Asia" |
advancedbots, alltalk, birthday, bots, cp, increased_maxplayers
>>> BesServer <<<
7 / 32 players
(8 bots)
(8 bots)
cp_coldfront | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload
NormaloxXX Richnow Hallo XXx
7 / 32 players
(10 bots)
(10 bots)
cp_granary | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload 24/7 Payload
7 / 32 players
(4 bots)
(4 bots)
cp_coldfront | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload, gravity, linux, public, secure
*�˜ ˜�*✮ EXTRA ✮ MG SQUAD ✮
7 / 32 players
(7 bots)
(7 bots)
cp_sunshine | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload, dedicated, gravity, linux, ranked, stats
7 / 32 players
(11 bots)
(11 bots)
cp_vanguard | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload, fastdl, linux, pure, ranked, replays, secure
7 / 32 players
(9 bots)
(9 bots)
cp_sunshine | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload, compspec, dedicated, HLstatsX:CE, noblock, pure, ranked
★ NecGaming - PLAYARENA - Custom
7 / 32 players
(3 bots)
(3 bots)
cp_vanguard | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload, dedicated, fastdl, linux, noblock, premium, registered, secure
#2 Serv Train NOKUI
7 / 32 players
(2 bots)
(2 bots)
cp_coldfront | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, increased_maxplayers, payload, alltalk, fastdl, gravity, linux, noblock, ranked, stats
● TF2Cloud - Engineer Fortress ●
2 / 32 players
(18 bots)
(18 bots)
cp_spookeyridge | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, bots, cp, engie, engie fortress, engineer, engineer fortress, engy, engy fortress, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, tf2cloud
█████ Halloween Server 24/7 █ Scary Maps ███�
1 / 33 players
cp_manor_event | |
gamemode "trading, control-point, achievement" | |
region "Europe" |
!, a FREE ITEMS, a FREE TAUNTS, a FREE UNUSUALS, a HALLOWEEN MODE, a OTAKUGAMING.TF, achievement_, id, idle, otaku,, trade, trade_
Team Fortress
1 / 24 players
(22 bots)
(22 bots)
cp_badlands | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
bots, cp, norespawntime
IdleServer.Com | Metalworks
0 / 32 players
cp_metalworks | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Metalworks, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | EVENT #2
0 / 32 players
cp_spookeyridge | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, event, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Standin
0 / 32 players
cp_standin_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Standin, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
Uncletopia | São Paulo | 1 | All Maps+
0 / 24 players
cp_altitude | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "South America" |
cp, nocrits, nodmgspread, uncletopia
IdleServer.Com | Process
0 / 32 players
cp_process_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Process, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Degrootkeep Rats | 24/7
0 / 32 players
cp_degrootkeep_rats | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, degroot, degrootkeep, increased_maxplayers, keep, misc, nocrits, rats, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Ambush
0 / 32 players
cp_ambush_event | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Ambush, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Altitude
0 / 32 players
cp_altitude | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Altitude, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Foundry
0 / 32 players
cp_foundry | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Foundry, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Reckoner | 24/7
0 / 32 players
cp_reckoner | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, reckoner, respawntimes
Uncletopia | Dallas | 1 | All Maps
0 / 24 players
cp_process_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
cp, nocrits, nodmgspread, uncletopia
IdleServer.Com | Sulfur | 24/7
0 / 32 players
cp_sulfur | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes, sulfur
IdleServer.Com | Freight
0 / 32 players
cp_freight_final1 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Freight, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Lavapit | 24/7
0 / 32 players
cp_lavapit_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, gold, increased_maxplayers, lava, lavapit, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Hardwood | 24/7
0 / 32 players
cp_hardwood_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, hardwood, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
✠ ✠ ✠ o.W.n Rebirth Headquarters ✠ ✠ ✠
0 / 33 players
cp_betterwarmfront | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
HLstatsX:CE, cp, increased_maxplayers
IdleServer.Com | Snakewater
0 / 32 players
cp_snakewater_final1 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Snakewater, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
[SG] PUBS.TF | Zombies Survival | Medic vs Engineer
0 / 32 players
cp_fastlane | |
gamemode "zombies, control-point" | |
region "Asia" |
increased_maxplayers, cp, norespawntime, nocrits, respawntimes, engineer, medic, muselk, pubstf, survival, zombies
Uncletopia | Seattle | 1 | All Maps
0 / 24 players
cp_powerhouse | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
cp, nocrits, nodmgspread, uncletopia
Uncletopia | Seattle | 2 | All Maps+
0 / 24 players
cp_altitude | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
cp, nocrits, nodmgspread, uncletopia
IdleServer.Com | 5Gorge
0 / 32 players
cp_5gorge | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, 5Gorge, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Vanguard
0 / 32 players
cp_vanguard | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Vanguard, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Gullywash
0 / 32 players
cp_gullywash_final1 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Gullywash, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Toy Fort | 24/7
0 / 32 players
cp_toy_fort_v2 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, fort, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes, toy, toy fort
=PAWZ= Mann vs Mann
0 / 32 players
(16 bots)
(16 bots)
cp_5gorge_mvm_v4 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, bots, community, cp, increased_maxplayers, mann, nocrits, paw, paws, pawz, vs
*Freaky Fair* - EU
0 / 32 players
cp_freaky_fair_b1a | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, mclab, respawntimes
[PrWh Europe] Maps with MvM Upgrades
0 / 24 players
cp_steel_mvm_v4 | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
TF2Stats, advancedbots, cp, nocrits, norespawntime, respawntimes
TF2 SA Custom Weapons (BETA)
0 / 16 players
(14 bots)
(14 bots)
cp_sunshine | |
gamemode "custom-weapons, control-point" | |
region "North America" |
bots, cp | Map Testing | New York
0 / 24 players
cp_overgrown | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
HLstatsX:CE, alltalk, cp, nocrits,
Casual.TF - US Capture Point / Attack Defend
0 / 24 players
cp_sulfur | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
cp,, casualtf
-[]- |24/7 Murder Mod| [Hide & Sneak]
0 / 24 players
cp_manor_event | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
FREE, Anime, Fun, Furry, Hide, Creators, Murder, Pony, Skial, Spy, TTT, Wonder, XXX
IdleServer.Com | RANDOMIZER | ControlPoint
0 / 32 players
cp_badlands | |
gamemode "randomizer, control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, fadetoblack, idle, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, randomizer, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Cloak
0 / 32 players
cp_cloak | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Cloak, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Yukon
0 / 32 players
cp_yukon_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Yukon, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Well
0 / 32 players
cp_well | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Well, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Powerhouse
0 / 32 players
cp_powerhouse | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Powerhouse, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Badlands
0 / 32 players
cp_badlands | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Badlands, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Junction
0 / 32 players
cp_junction_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Junction, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Sunshine
0 / 32 players
cp_sunshine | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Sunshine, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
Uncletopia | Frankfurt | 7 | Stopwatch
0 / 24 players
cp_sunshine | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Europe" |
cp, nocrits, nodmgspread, uncletopia
IdleServer.Com | Manor
0 / 32 players
cp_manor_event | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, IdleServer.Com, Manor, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Egypt
0 / 32 players
cp_egypt_final | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Egypt, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Fastlane
0 / 32 players
cp_fastlane | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Fastlane, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
IdleServer.Com | Coldfront
0 / 32 players
cp_coldfront | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, Coldfront, IdleServer.Com, alltalk, cp, increased_maxplayers, nocrits, respawntimes
✠ ✠ ✠ o.W.n Rebirth Asia/Oceania Headquarters ✠ ✠ ✠
0 / 33 players
cp_granary | |
gamemode "control-point" | |
region "Asia" |
HLstatsX:CE, cp, increased_maxplayers