We are PUBS.TF server group. We have servers in Singapore, running a variety of game modes! You are very welcomed to join us!
0 player(s) in-game
7 servers
/ South East Asia
versus-saxton-hale, payload-race, ctf, koth, zombies, mvm
Verified official gameservers from PUBS.TF.Preferences
[SG] PUBS.TF | Beta
0 / 32 players
pass_soccer_b3 | |
region "Asia" |
increased_maxplayers, passtime
[SG] PUBS.TF | Saxton Hale | VScript
0 / 64 players
vsh_tinyrock | |
gamemode "versus-saxton-hale" | |
region "Asia" |
TF2Stats, alltalk, hale, increased_maxplayers, misc, pd, pubs, pubstf, respawntimes, saxton, saxtonhale, vscript, vsh
[SG] PUBS.TF | Hightower | Instaspawn
0 / 64 players
plr_hightower | |
gamemode "payload-race" | |
region "Asia" |
TF2Stats, gameME, hightower, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, payload, pubstf, pubstfinsta, respawntimes
TF2Stats, ctf, hightower, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, pubstf, pubstfinsta, respawntimes
[SG] PUBS.TF | Zombies Survival | Medic vs Engineer
0 / 32 players
koth_suijin | |
gamemode "koth, zombies" | |
region "Asia" |
increased_maxplayers, cp, norespawntime, nocrits, respawntimes, engineer, medic, muselk, pubstf, survival, zombies
[SG] PUBS.TF | Turbine | Instaspawn
0 / 6 players
mvm_redridge_b3a | |
gamemode "mvm" | |
region "Asia" |
TF2Stats, mvm, norespawntime, pubstf, pubstfinsta, respawntimes, turbine,