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Check out the map explorer to sort servers by map type while also searching for this gamemode. | Soldier Top Picks [07:43] | S3-D2 | EU
12 / 32 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_home_v2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr
★ FoxSys Tech Inc | ► JUMP ACADEMY 2 [JumpBOT]
9 / 24 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
bots, cp, demoman, alltalk, helpers, jumpbot, jump, dpa, jumpqol, learn, lobby, nocrits, norespawntime, respawn, respawntimes, ru, soldier, ssa | Dedicated Server I | US East
9 / 20 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr | Dedicated Server I | EU
7 / 18 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr | Dedicated Server III | EU
7 / 18 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr
RG #15 - Jump (No rank limit) | Tempus Network
5 / 16 players
jump_glassydev_rc3 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes | Dedicated Server II | EU
5 / 18 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr (Frankfurt) | Rank 500 Only | Tempus Network
5 / 24 players
jump_fart2_final | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Chicago) | Beginners | Tempus Network
4 / 24 players
jump_kek_final3 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes | Dedicated Rotation [74:23] | S4-D4 | AU
4 / 32 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Oceania" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, marketgardening, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr (Frankfurt) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network
4 / 24 players
jump_koro_b2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Frankfurt) | Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network
3 / 24 players
jump_ionizer_tpn4 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
Electric #4 Argentina | Jump
3 / 24 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_autumn_rc3 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "South America" |
alltalk, bots, electric, nocrits, norespawntime, respawntimes | Soldier Rotation [26:23] | S3-D3 | EU
3 / 32 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_sitood | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, ctf, fastdl, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr | Dedicated Server | US Central
3 / 18 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr (Dallas) Jump | All Maps | Tempus Network
3 / 24 players
jump_it_final | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes | Dedicated Server II | US East
2 / 20 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr #03 | Jump
2 / 20 players
jump_egyptian_b2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
nocrits, respawntimes, alltalk, anime, brony, fastdl, gametracker, jp, jump, jump maps, jump menu, jump mode, nominate, panda, panda commu, , H
matcha Jump (Singapore) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network
2 / 24 players
jump_six_a6 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (London) | Beginners | Tempus Network
2 / 24 players
jump_toxic_v6 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (London) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
2 / 24 players
jump_umon_rc2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes | Dedicated Classic + MGA | EU
2 / 32 players
(5 bots)
(5 bots)
jump_academy_classic_b | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, marketgardening, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr (London) | Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network
2 / 24 players
jump_elite | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Frankfurt) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
2 / 24 players
jump_4starters_rc1 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
matcha Jump (Hong Kong) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_collab | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes | Soldier Rotation [09:13] | S3-D3 | US West
1 / 32 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_oats_b3 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, bots, cp, fastdl, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr
matcha Jump (Hong Kong) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_apex_b1 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
Jump It跳跃服 不存在任何聊群 为自己的热爱跳跃
1 / 24 players
jump_benny | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
cp, nocrits, respawntimes | Dedicated Server I | US West
1 / 18 players
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
cp, nocrits, respawntimes, alltalk, academy, fastdl, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, rocket, syncr
Himawari (Tokyo) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_back_v3 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
Cosmos (Tokyo) | All Maps #3 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_geronimo | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
Sakura (Tokyo) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_nbn_b4b_redo_a1 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Sydney) | Rank 50 Only | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_psycho_zip | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Oceania" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Brasil) | Iniciantes | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_bojack_v2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (France) All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_echelon_rc1 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
matcha Jump (Singapore) | All Maps #3 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_butter | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
RG #16 - Jump (Rank 500 Only) | Tempus Network
1 / 16 players
jump_jabroni | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (France) Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_kpop_a3 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Middle East - Bahrain) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_4soldier_redo | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (Sweden) | Rank 200 Only | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_authn_b6 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
matcha Jump (Singapore) | All Maps #4 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_jorgelayja_redo | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes (London) | Rank 500 Only | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_galaktikon_b2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes
++ RJump ECJ [NY] | Beginner [28:19]
1 / 12 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
jump_ozone | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
bots, demo, best, alltalk, jump, east, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, rocketjump, server, soldier, sticky
matcha Jump (Singapore) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network
1 / 24 players
jump_dreamy_final_fix | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
alltalk, nocrits, respawntimes | Soldier Rotation [15:53] | S6-D3 | US East
0 / 32 players
jump_zone_rc2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
academy, alltalk, cp, fastdl, increased_maxplayers, jump, jumpacademy, jumpbot, nocrits, respawntimes, rocket, syncr | Demoman - Moved to | US West
0 / 32 players
jump_amazon_b1 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
cp, increased_maxplayers
⤳ ► BLW.TF MIA | BHOP | EASY TIER 1-2 ◄ ⬿
0 / 32 players
bhop_aztec_tf2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
increased_maxplayers, alltalk, bhop, blackwonder, bunny, hop, jump, record, replay, surf, surfing, timer, | Dedicated - Moved to | US West
0 / 32 players
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
cp, increased_maxplayers | Dedicated I - Moved to | EU
0 / 32 players
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
cp, increased_maxplayers
⤳ ► BLW.TF | BHOP | EASY TIER 1-2 ◄ ⬿
0 / 26 players
bhop_ripdream | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
increased_maxplayers, alltalk, bhop, blackwonder, bunny, hop, jump, record, replay, surf, surfing, timer,
⤳ ► BLW.TF AUS | JUMP ◄ ⬿
0 / 26 players
jump_academy2_rc7 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Oceania" |
increased_maxplayers, cp, nocrits, respawntimes, alltalk, academy, blackwonder, easy, jump, jurf, rocket,
⤳ ► BLW.TF AUS | BHOP | EASY TIER 1-2 ◄ ⬿
0 / 32 players
bhop_spooktacular | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Oceania" |
increased_maxplayers, alltalk, bhop, blackwonder, bunny, hop, jump, record, replay, surf, surfing, timer, | Demoman - Moved to | EU
0 / 32 players
jump_amazon_b1 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
cp, increased_maxplayers | Soldier - Moved to | US Central
0 / 32 players
jump_4starters | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
cp, increased_maxplayers | Dedicated II - Moved to | EU
0 / 32 players
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
cp, increased_maxplayers
⤳ ► BLW.TF SG | JUMP ◄ ⬿
0 / 26 players
jump_academy2_rc7 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Asia" |
increased_maxplayers, cp, nocrits, respawntimes, alltalk, academy, blackwonder, easy, jump, jurf, rocket, | Lounge - Moved to | US Central
0 / 32 players
jump_ionizer_tpn4 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
increased_maxplayers | Dedicated - Moved to | US Centra
0 / 32 players
jump_academy2_rc9a | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
cp, increased_maxplayers
IdleServer.Com | JUMP #2
0 / 32 players
jump_academy2_rc7 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, alltalk, cp, fadetoblack, idle, idleserver.Com, increased_maxplayers, jump, nocrits, norespawntime, respawntimes, saveloc
IdleServer.Com | JUMP | Academy
0 / 32 players
jump_academy_easy_e | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, alltalk, cp, fadetoblack, idle, idleserver.Com, increased_maxplayers, jump, nocrits, norespawntime, respawntimes, saveloc
IdleServer.Com | JUMP #3
0 / 32 players
jump_academy2_rc7 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
24/7, alltalk, cp, fadetoblack, idle, idleserver.Com.Com, increased_maxplayers, jump, nocrits, norespawntime, respawntimes, saveloc US | Jump
0 / 20 players
jump_bounce | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "North America" |
nocrits, respawntimes, alltalk, anime, brony, cp, fastdl, gametracker, jp, jump, jump maps, jump menu, jump mode, nominate, panda, panda commu
[PrWh Europe] Jump Academy
0 / 24 players
jump_academy_medium_beta4 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
TF2Stats, cp, critless, crits-disabled, europe, free, no-ads, nocrits, prwh, respawntimes
★ FoxSys Tech Inc | ► JUMP ACADEMY 1 [JumpBOT]
0 / 24 players
jump_academy_classic_b | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
cp, demoman, alltalk, helpers, jumpbot, jump, dpa, jumpqol, learn, lobby, nocrits, norespawntime, respawn, respawntimes, ru, soldier, ssa | Top Picks - Moved to | EU
0 / 32 players
jump_home_v2 | |
gamemode "jumping" | |
region "Europe" |
cp, increased_maxplayers