Community news

Aggregated from all TF2 related websites and social media.

There are few casters who’ve managed to rise up the roster quite as surely and determinedly as Dreamboat, and now he’s here with us. There’s little doubt about his commitment to TF2 as an eSport though. Any Canadian who’s willing to wake up at 4am to cast a game in Australia deserves everything coming their way: fame, money, the ladies, in fact all the hallucinations one suffers from during a […]

8 years ago

Apparently I appeared to be quite energetic for the 30 seconds KritzKast was on Tip of the Hats. Maybe it was just the though that oh so soon afterwards I’d be hanging out with The Jewlander and The Biological Machine on this week’s podcast. Either that or it was the four cups of coffee I’d just knocked back. Will we ever know? Yes. Updates – 12th September 2016 and 14th Sept. […]

8 years ago

Chronos and Agro finally address the jazz elephant in the room. Hello Mr. Elephant, they say, please don’t wrap your trunk around us and force us to play in your band. Their request goes unheard, because it’s an elephant – it only understands the blues. Tip of the hats – Merasmus is talking to himself – Robert Atkin Downes performs “meet the medic” – Comp 6s Global […]

Hello all! My name is Heather, and my alias is feathers. I play Medic for the newly-sponsored KritzKast ESEA 6s team. I’ve been asked by Agro to write about my experiences playing in ESEA in an Open-division team. My awfully secret and diabolically evil agenda for these posts is to help you get into some form of competitive, or at least arouse your curiosity. Preseason has gone very, very well considering we’re […]


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What to do when you finally get invited to the party but find everyone has buggered off to PAX West? Find the one guy who’s still around and demand that he podcast with you, of course! It just so happens that I lucked out on that one and managed to snag FreddieTF2 – possibly because he was too short to ride on the plane. Though we will never really know. […]

You know when you have a podcast and you invite someone on and they are awesome and accept and you tell you you’ll start early for them and then you fall asleep right before you start and then you’re late and you don’t get so much time with them? Just me huh. So we had Rydercycle on (for the start of) the show together with Benjamoose, who up till now […]

August 2016 Showcase TF2Maps news
8 years ago

Remember these? That's right, it's time for the next installment of our monthly* showcase map inductions! I'm very impressed by how many quality maps have been produced in such a short definitely-30-days span. So many maps that I've probably lost track of a few! Let's cut the intro short and jump in, because we've got a lot of ground to cover....

August 2016 Showcase


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8 years ago

If you’re anything like me you’ll like your podcasts how you like your maps, dimensionally challenged. Which is to say that we have a great episodes for you today, so long as you’re prepared to squint a little and look at it side on. The little Update that wasn’t – Valve Time – Announcing the 2016 Saxxy Awards – Isometric TF2 maps – The (nearly) Complete […]

8 years ago

Before we go any further I want to give a big shout out to our new 6s ESEA team. Watch out for a blog post on this and where you can follow them. Best to mention that we still don’t have Uberchain’s intro music sorted yet. In our defence it’s been less than 3 years since she joined us; what do you guys want, efficiency? Update – 3rd August – […]

Jasmine Tea will be making their way to i58 – the biodome in the National Exhibition Center – where computers grow on treas, sponsored by Tetley eSports. It’s possible they will be joined by North American legends, Froyotech. They will also be playing pl_drawpu in the finals. Some of the facts listed here may not be real things. Update – Tip of the hats – ETF2L is looking […]