Community news

Aggregated from all TF2 related websites and social media.
7 years ago

There are two types of Heavies in this world; those that have beaten the cheesecake out of their opponents in a boxing ring and those that plan to do it tomorrow. We caught up with two such hardballs, Clayface and The Gentlemann’s Fedora, who have taken hand to face combat into a whole other level by creating the National Heavy Boxing League. A safe place for gentle persons of the […]

7 years ago

Valve have fiddled with the back end, upgrading and updating TF2 to the very latest SDK; 2013. This may seem like nothing to the layman but it means a great deal. For one thing, it broke Source Mod and for another it broke Macs. So there’s that going for it. Altogether it’s a very important step in the development of TF2, to bring it up to date smartly and allow […]

ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge TeamFortress Blog
7 years ago


Ever wanted to get into competitive TF2? Now's your chance! The European Team Fortress 2 League is running the Fresh Meat Cup sponsored by and

This competition is aimed at new, inexperienced players interested in playing competitive TF2. So if you're fresh meat, sign up before April 6th to compete. Every team can play with an experienced mentor to help them understand meta and play their best! Visit the ETF2L website for more info.

7 years ago

We're proud to announce that the master of imps, @Void has been brought on officially as a staff member here at TF2Maps! Void has been running a ton of tests for us, and has more than proven his dedication to TF2, TF2Maps, and content creation in general. Void has been a long time member of the TF2 community, and has had his hands in all sorts of our history. From the Construction Pack, to Frontline! We look forward to having him be officially part of the team!


New staff! And a promotion!


Read the full article.

Team Fortress 2 Update Released TeamFortress Patches
7 years ago

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Internal updates to support future development

One month between updates is kinda a long time but that’s nothing when you’re a wizard, Harry. Speaking of wizards, Lunar Scythe joins us for the podcast this week. Also on the show: Duffy’s IRL Longwave 556pm completes 7 days PC Guia’s ‘5 Best Free-to-play’ Artvader’s TF2 voice lines Rap Battle

We answer all the big questions here on the show, like what is a loris and how do I catch my own? Actually, best not to since that’s probably illegal in most states. They are cute and cuddly and loris probably doesn’t want to be captured and forced to live in a small bucket under the stairs; kept in darkenss for nine months of the year and told to wear […]


Did you know that TF2 is releasing a soundtrack of all its pulse-pounding, brain-exploding, bowel-evacuating songs to kill people to? Well now you do! Ipecac Recordings is releasing our best (and only) soundtrack, complete with 29 songs, new images, and a ton of easter eggs. Preorder the CD and LP today! Or preorder digitally at iTunes and Amazon.

TFCL Ultiduo Season 2 TeamFortress Blog
7 years ago


TFCL is announcing their second season of Ultiduo! This time they're boasting a bigger and better prize pool, participation medals, TFTV casting and more!

The first match is scheduled for March 25th. This season will be comprised of 8 regular matches, for a total length of 4 weeks. There will also be a special weekend playoff event on April 22nd and 23rd. Registration is open now! For instructions on how to register and more info, check out their annoucement page here.

There’s a new version of TF2 that’s just hit beta. It features all old levels, the original characters, completely unchanged gameplay and weapons from what you can play now. And somehow we’re all really rather pleased about this. Jill is looking for beta testers Gabe Newell interview on VNN Rally Call 2017 TFTV Map Cups Mapchamp by Interview with Mappers by TFTV TF2 lego Concept 2017 Winter 72hr TF2 […]

The magnificent twitch streamer Jewlander returns to furnish us with his wisdom. Which is lovely because he notices things other people take forever to see, then he kills those people before his disguise is blown. Admittedly there was a lot to see since Valentine’s day had Valve drop a massive love heart on the TF2 fandom by way of a massive pack of updates. Also, there is music coming to […]

Rally Call Charity Event TeamFortress Blog
7 years ago


Rally Call is a series of video game charity events that help different charities each year. This February 25th and 26th, Rally Call will be hosting a TF2 Tournament featuring YouTubers, steamers and other TF2 personalities. This event will support International Animal Rescue, a foundation that helps animals in danger all over the world. Click here to donate and learn more.

7 years ago


Another jam is over, and the TF community really turned this one out! The final count of entries was 686, which includes 230 SFM creations, 196 artworks, 146 maps, 34 models, 14 videos, 12 fanfictions, 2 games, 2 plushes, and a poem. Check them out and learn more here.

Freyja TF2Maps news
7 years ago

Hey everyone, we just wanted to drop you a line about a situation currently developing. For the past few weeks, our good friend and fellow staff member here at TF2Maps @Freyja has been fighting a rather serious medical illness. She has been diagnosed with Lymphoma, a rather not uncommon, but aggressive form of cancer. A tumor has very quickly grown on her spine and has caused near complete paralysis from the waist down.

Luckily, her doctors say this is a very treatable...



Read the full article.

7 years ago

In an effort to reach out to the community, we reached out the community, and got That’s not a site, although it probably will be soon. In a show filled with sentences that probably should have ended a lot sooner than they did, I just wanted to say TF2 maps Winter 2017 Jam Void’s maze Uberchain + Kichizone’s thing Truck Robot thing Yotts’ Phat Platt Dueling Badge TF2 Pancakes […]

Team Fortress 2 Update Released TeamFortress Patches
7 years ago

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Improved Steam Voice support for servers that have enabled it
    • Removed sv_use_steam_voice convar. Steam voice is now selected via "sv_voicecodec steam"
    • Fixed demos not properly recording Steam Voice status, resulting in potential corrupt voice in demos with differing default settings
    • Will now use the native Steam Voice sampling rate, instead of clamping to 11kHz
    • Improved compatibility with Steam client beta
  • Fixed OS X voice communication sounding high-pitched when using the default CELT voice codec
  • Fixed an animation bug that would cause the client and server hitboxes to become out of sync
  • Fixed the Scout not playing the correct animation when using the Shortstop's Alt-Fire to shove someone
  • Fixed some missing VO sounds for the Scout when he picks up a baseball
  • Fixed Spectators seeing the fake death notices for the Spy when he feigns death
  • Fixed the Widowmaker not doing increased damage when the Sentry's target is a building, boss, or tank
  • Fixed not earning Crikey meter progress with The Cleaner's Carbine when damaging a building, boss, or tank
  • Fixed the Scout not getting assists for shoving players while using the Shortstop
  • Fixed not being able to use non-tradable Giftapults
  • Fixed powerups sometimes being removed from the game in Mannpower mode
  • Fixed a case where the scoreboard would not update properly when players volunteer to switch teams in Casual mode
  • Fixed a case where Casual servers would spontaneously terminate with "Server shutting down" upon losing connection with the matchmaking service
  • Updated the logic used to pick the maps players can vote on in the end-of-match map vote on Casual servers to help maintain healthier game mode representation across regions
    • Casual servers were often rotating to unrelated game modes during votes, resulting in partially filled servers in certain regions
  • Updated the player_bodygroups that are hidden when equipping The Dark Falkirk Helm and The Sole Saviors
  • Updated the model/materials for The Snowmann to fix some LOD issues
  • Updated the localization files
  • Added Gift Wrap back to the Mann Co. Store at a reduced price
  • Added TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant 2017 community medal
  • Added Rally Call Charity Tournament community medals
  • Added ozfortress Season 18 tournament medals
  • Added new survey questions to the end-of-match survey for Casual and Competitive modes and fixed a bug where multiple surveys could be displayed at the same time

7 years ago

Here’s a couple of tips for you. If you really want to piss off Valve, get your entire fan base to email them at the same time. If you really don’t want to come on KritzKast, ask us to come on KritzKast. This is true in 99.9% of cases. the 0.01% apparently, is if you are HiGPS HiGPS’s weapons update/nerf sheet Workshop items Rainbow Vomit Tee Banjo Taunt Panda hat […]