Community news

Aggregated from all TF2 related websites and social media.

After last week’s hack revelations it seems that self gratifying crocodile has taken action on those hackers, distributing bans like slurry on a growing field. Agro remains firmly unimpressed by a number of things. Tempest wants to see OW on at his cinema and Ruskeydoo loves the comic book action. UGC League revokes LMAOBox’ users medals – Scout VA does Navy Seals meme – Junkrat & Roadhog comic […]

While Overwatch is on hiatus TF2 is making up for the shortfall of updates with a bevvy of their own. This coincides nicely with the fall of LMAOBox, the notorious game hacker software, which I’m sure we’re all pleased to see the VAC of. Terrible wordplay to one side, we’re very pleased to Uberchain on hand to lead Chronos and Agro through this week’s goings on with our favourite first person shooters. […]

An odd episode this week. Even though Agro and Tempest were in the same location, due to the gods of technical issues looking unfavorably upon them, only tempest was able to present on this weeks episode. That didn't Prevent Chronos joining him to talk Drama, Hype and Nerf guns being thrown around TF2. Meanwhile, Comics, Cosplay and Crashed Cars surrounded Overwatch.

Tough Break is over, no going back to contracts.....for now. But how did we feel it went? We also discuss Russian News using the golden pan price in an economic report and us at kritzkast being added to tf2stadium. Over on overwatch, we dig through the latest patch notes and how we feel competitive play will play out.

8 years ago

Joining on the show is Crazy Halo, a huge part of why Nope.Taunt has become a thing this week. We talk to him about how he went about it and some of the issues he had with putting it together. We also Discuss the latest update to overwatch and of course the short video "Alive". Plus a great heartwarming Email

8 years ago

This was the week of April Fools. Always a great time for TF2 and it seems good fun for overwatch too. This week we talk about the Pranks, the updates and a great interview with Jeff Kaplan.

8 years ago

Presenting: The 2015 Year In Review!

This year was amazing for TF2Maps, the mapping community, and TF2 as a whole. We, as a site, have never done this sort of thing before - but it figures after such major events as the introduction of a Map Workshop, and the inclusion of many custom maps from our community, it was time to finally put one together.

So, here's a taste...​

The Year In Review: 2015


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8 years ago

Hey folks!

You've already been told about the Tf2Maps 72hr Winter TF2Jam - and that's the first thing this message is for, reminding you that it starts tonight at 6pm GMT! (That's about six hours from now.) You can drop in to our WIP thread and show off what you're working on there, or create a thread all to your own project here with our special event prefix.


The Winter Jam Exhibition Game


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8 years ago

If you've participated in our impromptu tests lately, you may have noticed that we've had a recent increase in the number of KotH maps being played. We (staff) believe that this is the direct result of a lot of new members finding the site and creating maps of, arguably, the best gamemode for a new mapper to learn from.

This is kinda upsetting to a lot of people, and not without good reason. Playing the same gamemode for every map in a single test starts to become tedious, and a number of...

Re: Recent influx of KotH maps


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8 years ago

Hey guys!

So this is just a short announcement. For the next week or so there will be this survey here. It's a bunch of questions about the site and what we do here. It's also questions about you, and what you do! It's anonymous, so you can say whatever you'd like and we won't know. It's super quick, and ends with some fun questions, so you have some reward for doing the hard questions (they really aren't that hard).... Winter 2016 survey


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Forum rules

Welcome to forums! As you may be aware, this is one of the biggest and busiest forums in the enthusiast community for Team Fortress mapping. Each member brings their own knowledge and enthusiasm to the site and every new member is considered a valuable addition.

Because the community is so large and diverse, it is important that some basic rules of conduct and guidelines are agreed on, so that everyone can...



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8 years ago

Hey everyone!

The staff would like to let everyone know that there has been a couple changes to the TF2M Staff line up. A few Senior Staff members have been demoted due to inactivity and/or inactivity in administrative related things. They have been given Permanent VIP for their time and work towards the site. If they return to the community, or if they show they increased activity that would make them a viable candidate for a staff, we can reconsider them for re-promotion to some level of... Staff Changes


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8 years ago

Valve posted an update to the christmas server cache issues to their news listings.
Also posting here so regulars of our forum can see it too, in case they didn't see it elsewhere.

- Valve
30 Dec

We'd like to follow up with more information regarding Steam's troubled Christmas.

What happened

On December 25th, a configuration error resulted in some users seeing Steam Store pages generated for other users. Between 11:50 PST and 13:20 PST store page requests...
Click to expand...

Valve's Update on their Christmas Issues


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8 years ago

As you may know, with the migration of the site to new forum software, we have to import all of the downloads over from the archive. A few individuals (myself included) have imported over 600 items since the site went live a week ago, but we still have a long way to go! This is where YOU come in! Hopefully this thread clears up any questions you have about the process so you can start helping us out.

  1. First, head over to the archive and...

Help import downloads and earn free VIP!


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