Flux is a network of primarily European TF2 servers offering a variety of different game modes such as randomizer, saxton hale, dodgeball, and much more!
We also offer some NA servers for broader reach.
We are always encouraging new members to join us at: https://discord.gg/Du9eUhHgbx
12 player(s) in-game
12 servers
/ Europe, North America
mge-mod, ctf, x10, randomizer, payload-race, crazy, uber-upgrades, mvm, breakout, koth, class-wars, cp-orange, dodgeball
Players in-game on fluxtf
last 7 days
Verified official gameservers from Flux.tf.Preferences

► Flux.TF EU | MGE ◄
4 / 32 players
mge_training_v8_beta4b | |
gamemode "mge-mod" | |
region "North America" |

increased_maxplayers, alltalk, 1v1, custom, flux, instantrespawn, mge, solo, training,

► Flux.TF | 2Fort | x1000 | Randomizer ◄
4 / 64 players
ctf_2fort | |
gamemode "ctf, x10, randomizer" | |
region "North America" |

2fort, Flux, alltalk, ctf, fort, increased_maxplayers, multiplied, norespawntime, randomizer, x10, x100, x1000

► Flux.TF EU | Highertower ◄
3 / 32 players
(1 bots)
(1 bots)
plr_highertower_extended | |
gamemode "payload-race, crazy" | |
region "North America" |

Flux, afk, alltalk, bots, drops, fast, halloween, high, higher, highertower, hightower, idle, increased_maxplayers, it, norespawntime, payload

► Flux.TF EU | MVM | Uber Upgrades | Max Money ◄
1 / 10 players
mvm_mannhattan_click_expert1 | |
gamemode "uber-upgrades, mvm, x10" | |
region "North America" |

100, alltalk, bomb, flux, machine, mann, multiplied, mvm, nocrits, robots, vs, weapons, x100

► Flux.TF EU | Jailbreak ◄
0 / 32 players
jb_lunapark_b2 | |
gamemode "breakout" | |
region "North America" |

Flux, alltalk, arena, ba, break, custom, gamemode, increased_maxplayers, jail, jailbreak, jb, prison, prisoners, warden

► Flux.TF EU | Dustbowl | Class Wars ◄
0 / 33 players
koth_sawmill | |
gamemode "koth, class-wars" | |
region "North America" |

Flux, alltalk, capture, class, classwars, control, cp, dustbowl, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, point, wars

► Flux.TF EU | Orange Factory | 100% Crits ◄
0 / 32 players
cp_orange_factory | |
gamemode "cp-orange" | |
region "North America" |

100crits, alltalk, cp, cp_orange_factory, custom, fast, fastrespawn, flux, gamemode, increased_maxplayers, instantresp, norespawntime

► Flux.TF | Dodgeball ◄
0 / 20 players
tfdb_jabcourt_01 | |
gamemode "dodgeball" | |
region "North America" |

arena, alltalk, Flux, ball, custom, db, dodge, dodgeball, sounds, tfdb,

► Flux.TF EU | KOTH Highertower | x100 Weapons ◄
0 / 32 players
koth_highertower | |
gamemode "koth, x10" | |
region "North America" |

Flux, alltalk, cp, high, highertower, hightower, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, orange, random, tower, weapons, x100