Grizzly Berry
I make one video a year. That's about it.
Casual Utah, United States English language 13y 6m
Casual Utah, United States English language 13y 6m

No summary.
Unusuals ~65 keys in total



Maps reviewed/played showing last 4
Channel statistics
Videos made | 213 videos |
TF2 videos made | 198 videos (93% of all videos) |
TF2 views | 8,205,673 views (91% of all views) |
TF2 comments | 21,309 comments |
Subscribers | 66,400 subscribers
-500 in last 6 months |
Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:

TF2 Party (w/ Uncle Dane, Raja, and ScottJAw)
Most disliked TF2 video:

Pokemon GO in TF2?!
First known TF2 video:

TF2 Commentary - My First Commentary! (Scout on Harvest)
Random picks (7)
Thu 15 September 2022
with a chance of 1.09%
Tue 24 August 2021
with a chance of 1.09%
Sat 17 July 2021
with a chance of 0.96%
Sat 19 September 2020
with a chance of 0.95%
Sun 16 August 2020
with a chance of 0.88%
Mon 22 June 2020
with a chance of 0.78%
Sun 01 January 2017
with a chance of 0.19%