Public Match Commentaries Public Match Commentaries Public Match Commentaries
Casual United States English language 15y 6m


Public Match Commentaries Public Match Commentaries Public Match Commentaries

Unusuals ~483 keys in total


Maps reviewed/played showing last 4

Channel statistics

Videos made 177 videos
TF2 videos made 151 videos (85% of all videos)
TF2 views 115,632,493 views (84% of all views)
TF2 comments 233,579 comments
Subscribers 1,020,000 subscribers
+20,000 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
(07:56) (2 years ago)
Games I Would Make (If I Knew How)
Most disliked TF2 video:
(06:14) (6 years ago)
FUNKtv: Co-op / Singleplayer TF2
First known TF2 video:
(07:56) (8 years ago)
Definitive Alien Experience

Channel trailer

Medal cabinet

Competitive medals

Community medals

Random picks (6)

Sun 21 August 2022
with a chance of 1.01%

Mon 28 February 2022
with a chance of 0.97%

Fri 29 October 2021
with a chance of 0.88%

Thu 14 March 2019
with a chance of 0.63%

Wed 04 October 2017
with a chance of 0.52%

Wed 13 April 2016
with a chance of 0.2%


Video collaborations

Competitive medals Community medals


Worked together with these TF2 YouTubers to create a video.
Thank you for trying to follow my sporadic uploading endeavo...


View the last videos created by this content creator.