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Cringy Scout announces The Fourth Annual Saxxy Awards!

published 10 years ago. 91,278 views, 1,987 likes, 0 dislikes and 109 comments.

Self crafted Source Filmmaker animations right her...

[SFM] TF2 in 60 seconds (Saxxy Awards 2014, Best Short WINNER)

published 10 years ago. 939,249 views, 15,632 likes, 0 dislikes and 631 comments.

(00:48) (10 years ago)
Some new video.blolb

Some new video.blolb

published 10 years ago. 401 views, 14 likes, 0 dislikes and 6 comments.

Yes, I am that darn owl
Animation Sniper

Tribute [Saxxy Drama Finalist 2014]

published 10 years ago. 5,765,278 views, 112,311 likes, 0 dislikes and 11,048 comments.

Welcome to my channel, LoneWolfHBS! I'm Mohd Hussa...

Hitman Havoc (Saxxy Awards 2014 Entry)

published 10 years ago. 3,915,311 views, 66,211 likes, 0 dislikes and 4,977 comments.

Hi, I'm The Winglet I make Team Fortress 2 themed...
(01:17) (10 years ago)
Friendzone (Filthy Frank SFM)

Friendzone (Filthy Frank SFM)

published 10 years ago. 23,792 views, 501 likes, 0 dislikes and 97 comments.

Welcome to MediExcalibur2012; dedicated mainly to ...
Animation Medic
(01:00) (10 years ago)
Seat (Saxxy Awards 2014 - Short)

Seat (Saxxy Awards 2014 - Short)

published 10 years ago. 717,240 views, 10,692 likes, 0 dislikes and 765 comments.

Animation Heavy
(01:00) (10 years ago)
Shotman [Saxxy Awards 2014]

Shotman [Saxxy Awards 2014]

published 10 years ago. 298,548 views, 2,886 likes, 0 dislikes and 120 comments.

by Fanic
I focus primarily on SFM animations and sometimes ...

Animation vs. Animator (Saxxy 2014 - Winner of Best Overall)

published 10 years ago. 5,828,601 views, 109,073 likes, 0 dislikes and 3,278 comments.

(00:19) (10 years ago)
No Exit (SFM rough idea pass)

No Exit (SFM rough idea pass)

published 10 years ago. 17,684 views, 373 likes, 0 dislikes and 43 comments.

[SFM] Team Fortress 2 - Children's Fobia

published 10 years ago. 23,022 views, 644 likes, 0 dislikes and 49 comments.

source filmmaker channel.

Your Eternal Revenge (Saxxy Awards 2014 Entry)

published 10 years ago. 16,624,974 views, 155,387 likes, 0 dislikes and 6,715 comments.

Hi, I'm The Winglet I make Team Fortress 2 themed...

"Ghosts of the Past - Episode 2" - SFM - Saxxy Awards Drama Entry 2014

published 10 years ago. 353,266 views, 9,629 likes, 0 dislikes and 1,207 comments.

My personal channel where I upload my animated vid...

Burnloonicorn Stand (test upload)

published 10 years ago. 2,181 views, 47 likes, 0 dislikes and 11 comments.

"Behind the Mask" - SFM - Saxxy Awards Drama Entry 2014

published 10 years ago. 650,558 views, 16,947 likes, 0 dislikes and 1,100 comments.

My personal channel where I upload my animated vid...

A Flippin' Story [Saxxy Awards 2014]

published 10 years ago. 2,982,950 views, 34,145 likes, 0 dislikes and 2,600 comments.

by Fanic
I focus primarily on SFM animations and sometimes ...
(04:56) (10 years ago)
Texan Space Program

Texan Space Program

published 10 years ago. 2,331,216 views, 51,081 likes, 0 dislikes and 3,031 comments.

My name is Victor and i am just a random guy from ...
(00:40) (10 years ago)
Back from the brigade!

Back from the brigade!

published 10 years ago. 115,265 views, 3,251 likes, 0 dislikes and 742 comments.

Self crafted Source Filmmaker animations right her...

[SFM] MvM Wars II - Robot of doom

published 10 years ago. 1,778,383 views, 32,399 likes, 0 dislikes and 4,316 comments.