
Page 69 - all (goto first)
(10:30) (6 years ago)
Things NEW TF2 Traders Do!

Things NEW TF2 Traders Do!

published 6 years ago. 6,384 views, 481 likes, 0 dislikes and 137 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout

TF2 Postgame Discussions: Oreimo

published 6 years ago. 4,280 views, 298 likes, 0 dislikes and 44 comments.

Infrequent uploads and subpar content
(06:27) (6 years ago)
TF2: The Reserved Shooter

TF2: The Reserved Shooter

published 6 years ago. 302,806 views, 12,040 likes, 0 dislikes and 671 comments.

Infrequent uploads and subpar content

What does a FULL BACKPACK of Unusuals look like in TF2?!

published 6 years ago. 8,540 views, 548 likes, 0 dislikes and 146 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout
(00:28) (6 years ago)
TF2: My Burns Have Healed

TF2: My Burns Have Healed

published 6 years ago. 3,425 views, 254 likes, 0 dislikes and 36 comments.

Infrequent uploads and subpar content
(12:47) (6 years ago)


published 6 years ago. 1,558,429 views, 33,772 likes, 0 dislikes and 3,622 comments.

Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)

TF2: Is Competitive Really as Bad People Say it is?

published 6 years ago. 960 views, 68 likes, 0 dislikes and 41 comments.

I create content to entertain myself and as many o...
Casual Scout

Bi-Monthly Brisket - Demo Shindeiru

published 6 years ago. 62,589 views, 3,109 likes, 0 dislikes and 286 comments.

I like to think I'm funny.
Casual Soldier
(07:37) (6 years ago)
TF2s Smissmas 2018 SUCKED!

TF2s Smissmas 2018 SUCKED!

published 6 years ago. 26,730 views, 1,479 likes, 0 dislikes and 476 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout
(11:24) (6 years ago)
[TF2] Expert Demopan

[TF2] Expert Demopan

published 6 years ago. 1,517,486 views, 35,739 likes, 0 dislikes and 3,633 comments.

Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)

I UNBOXED 2 UNUSUALS IN A ROW! (Smissmas 2018!)

published 6 years ago. 7,510 views, 526 likes, 0 dislikes and 100 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout

[TF2] How to Counter Trolldier (Part 1 of 3)

published 6 years ago. 2,938,355 views, 52,145 likes, 0 dislikes and 4,836 comments.

Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)
(04:37) (6 years ago)
TF2: The Last of 2018

TF2: The Last of 2018

published 6 years ago. 12,375 views, 737 likes, 0 dislikes and 63 comments.

Infrequent uploads and subpar content
(08:08) (6 years ago)
TF2s Most EXCLUSIVE Items!

TF2s Most EXCLUSIVE Items!

published 6 years ago. 20,808 views, 1,035 likes, 0 dislikes and 141 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout

[TF2] The Legend of the Duped Shovel

published 6 years ago. 2,126,453 views, 64,581 likes, 0 dislikes and 4,088 comments.

Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)
(06:44) (6 years ago)
TF2: Banner Breakdown

TF2: Banner Breakdown

published 6 years ago. 178,643 views, 7,622 likes, 0 dislikes and 391 comments.

Infrequent uploads and subpar content

[TF2] "Monthly" Meatloaf: Back to Basics

published 6 years ago. 1,570,053 views, 35,753 likes, 0 dislikes and 1,500 comments.

Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)

[TF2] Scout's Pouch - Back Scatter! (Is it OP?)

published 6 years ago. 40,567 views, 1,573 likes, 0 dislikes and 248 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout
(22:59) (6 years ago)
Team Fortress 2007 Live

Team Fortress 2007 Live

published 6 years ago. 582,456 views, 15,125 likes, 0 dislikes and 1,053 comments.

I like to think I'm funny.
Casual Soldier
(05:23) (6 years ago)


published 6 years ago. 42,243 views, 1,590 likes, 0 dislikes and 325 comments.

yeet level high
Casual Scout