FastCat Custom Training Servers

Welcome to FastCat's TF2 training servers! These are a set of Team Fortress 2 servers running on tr_walkway with a custom mod allowing bots to spawn with a variety of the unlockable weapons outside of stock and wearing different cosmetics. This was primarily made with the focus of high-level training. This map and our customizations on our servers allow you to set up endless training scenarios.We think our training format is either the next step up for veteran players looking to train or an excellent way to start for newcomers building TF2 fundamentals.Make sure to visit us at!


Verified official gameservers from FastCat Custom Training Servers.


WeedGaming 24/7 Dustbowl [TTV/WEEDPYROTF2]
0 / 24 players

gamemode "ctf"
region "North America"
advancedbots, alltalk, ctf, norespawntime

Do you own TF2 gameservers?

You can apply at the request center. Help can be requested on the forum or in this Discord channel.