24/7 Orange x3 :: F-oG.ml - Instant Respawn :: EUOne

☆ F-oG.ml Fortess Game» Forum: F-oG» Server location: Brest» Language: BY / EN» Server location: Brest» Spawn-Protect: 1.5 sec» Sniper HeadShot:>900dmgin» User support menu: !helpmenu» Roll the Dice: !rtd» Taunting players: !taunt» Gives milestone, halloween schievements: !giveitems


Players in-game on 247orangex3fogmlinstantrespawneuone
last 7 days


Verified official gameservers from 24/7 Orange x3 :: F-oG.ml - Instant Respawn :: EUOne .


24/7 Orange x3 :: F-oG.ml - Instant Respawn :: EUOne
0 / 32 players

gamemode "cp-orange"
region "Europe"
24/7, T, alltalk, capture, cp, cp_, custom, europ, farm, fast, flag, idle, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, orange_x3, thirdperson, unusual
24/7 2Fort :: F-oG.ml - Instant Respawn :: EUOne
0 / 32 players

gamemode "ctf"
region "Europe"
24/7, TF2Stats, alltalk, capture, cft_2fort, ctf, ctf_, custom, euro, farm, fast, flag, idle, increased_maxplayers, norespawntime, thirdperson

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