
Usage statistics of maps played in the whole TF2 universe (Valve, community and competitive).
0 now playing on community servers

Current activity


now playing


1 week ago

Map creator(s)

Created 3 map(s).

Map information

This map is based on pl_boatload

Map first seen on 2023-12-09 19:34:12 (CET).

Map last seen on 2024-12-28 16:30:00 (CET).

The thumbnail is from map creators.

Server types


External links

Server locations

North America
South America

Gamemodes played


Peak achievements


concurrent player(s)
20-Apr-2024 03:30 CET

concurrent server(s)
09-Dec-2023 19:34 CET

slots capacity
21-Jul-2024 21:30 CET

avg. player numbers per day
(tracked for 0 days)

Map description

Boatload is a single-stage Payload map with four control points and lots of water. Boatload exists because I had previously made a map called koth_tiftidwater, where I had explored the breadth and depth of the gameplay water could create, but created a terrible KOTH layout.

When questioning how I should remake the map, I decided that water was a better fit for Payload, where players raise the complaint of boredom having to play maps that feel the same over and over again. I also liked how Payload adds an additional strategy layer due to the fact that players can swim underneath the cart itself and use it as cover in a whole new way.

Once the map was balanced to a standard that matched or exceeded the Payload maps already in the game, I artpassed it in my typical way with early morning sunlight, lots of industrial vistas and sharp, pretty shadows. Then it was ready for a Steam Workshop release.

Check out my downloads, where I've made cool semi-experimental maps like Boatload once every 6-weeks-ish for the past 3 years.

If you wanna say something to me more directly for whatever reason, feel free to shoot me a message on Discord. My username is "tiftid".

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  • Valve gameservers are not included in this list (but are in all statistics).
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