Usage statistics of maps played in the whole TF2 universe (Valve, community and competitive).Current activity
now playing
Map creator(s)
Map information
This map is based on koth_slumsMap first seen on 2023-09-20 14:13:16 (CET).
Map last seen on 2025-01-02 01:00:00 (CET).
The thumbnail is from teamwork.tf map creators.
Server types
Server locations
AsiaNorth America
South America
Peak achievements
concurrent player(s)
13-Jan-2024 03:50 CET
concurrent server(s)
17-Mar-2024 11:20 CET
slots capacity
17-Mar-2024 11:20 CET
avg. player numbers per day
(tracked for 0 days)
Map description
This map was made in mid 2023 for Fortress Faceoffs' One in the Chamber tournament.
Since this map is VERY loosely based on a CoD map, the goal of the visual design was to make it feel like BOTH CoD and TF2 by having an abnormally high level of surface detail, but otherwise using assets, colours and visual design principles which are faithful to TF2.
The gameplay is designed to encourage intense, multi-directional fights around the capture point. The approach to the capture point is split into two distinct paths, preventing the defense from pushing into and holding the attacker approach. This is done with the goal of making the point easier to retake by the team who doesn't currently own it (the "attackers"), facilitating a more intense, back-and-forth round.\
Let me know what you think! The comments are open to everyone, and my username on basically all my accounts is "Tiftid".
Credits: Tiftid - Layout design, artpass, optimisation, custom asset creation SordidCaper - Initial layout design zythe_ - Initial layout design Requim_HD - Custom asset creation Tom Yamaza - Custom asset creation
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- Valve gameservers are not included in this list (but are in all statistics).
- These records are stored for 14 days, due to resource constraints.
- It may list gameservers that are not visible in Community Quickplay (because they are empty).
If you want more information about a server, query it via quickplay or try to connect to it.