Home of Spot the Hacker and other cynical videos <3
Casual California English language 10y 11m Spy


I make videos where I do a lot of dumb stuff and honestly it just seems to work out most of the time.

Unusuals ~19 keys in total


Channel statistics

Videos made 345 videos
TF2 videos made 301 videos (87% of all videos)
TF2 views 20,011,826 views (92% of all views)
TF2 comments 62,153 comments
Subscribers 124,000 subscribers
-1,000 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
(04:52) (7 years ago)
TF2: Hacker Stereotypes!
Most disliked TF2 video:
(06:17) (8 years ago)
TF2 - Hazard Man [Commentary]
First known TF2 video:
(09:15) (9 years ago)
Channel/Streaming Update - Rocket League

Channel trailer

Medal cabinet

Competitive medals

Community medals

Random picks (4)

Thu 18 March 2021
with a chance of 0.85%

Sat 20 August 2016
with a chance of 0.2%

Fri 15 April 2016
with a chance of 0.2%

Mon 07 March 2016
with a chance of 0.2%


Video collaborations

Competitive medals Community medals


Worked together with these TF2 YouTubers to create a video.
Thank you for trying to follow my sporadic uploading endeavo...
TF2 video gamer. I own 50+ pairs of socks.
watch me get mad at video games
I play and record games for the craic! It's an Irish thing.
I like to think I'm funny.
Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)
Sometimes makes funny videos.
G'day all MrPaladin here.
Hey there guys, my name's Skymin and be prepared to see many...


View the last videos created by this content creator.