Clockwerk Smurf

i guess i play what i want with the main being tf2, ive been dead but i`m planning on posting more soon since everything is under ...
Casual Oregon U.S English language 13y 4m Demoman


just another dumbass who plays games, mainly interested in gaming, bowmanship and playing music.

Unusuals ~62 keys in total


Channel statistics

Videos made 110 videos
TF2 videos made 9 videos (8% of all videos)
TF2 views 82,291 views (14% of all views)
TF2 comments 387 comments
Subscribers 13,700 subscribers
+400 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
(00:19) (6 years ago)
splendid scream
Most disliked TF2 video:
(02:34) (2 years ago)
Friday Night Funkin - V.s Lost Scout TF2 (Fnf Mods)
First known TF2 video:
(00:19) (6 years ago)
splendid scream

Channel trailer

Medal cabinet

Community medals

Random picks (2)

Tue 16 April 2019
with a chance of 0.7%

Mon 25 February 2019
with a chance of 0.62%


Video collaborations

Community medals


Worked together with these TF2 YouTubers to create a video.
I like to think I'm funny.
Composer and Sound Designer. Plays TF2 (poorly)
I am a casual Spy main who thrives off of Jazz and Swing. I ...


View the last videos created by this content creator.