
Page 22 - comp (goto first)
(04:54) (8 years ago)
Scout Movement Basics (TF2)

Scout Movement Basics (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 83,896 views, 2,481 likes, 0 dislikes and 130 comments.

(06:29) (8 years ago)
How to Make Friends (TF2)

How to Make Friends (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 20,386 views, 769 likes, 0 dislikes and 148 comments.

(04:54) (8 years ago)
What are scrims? (TF2)

What are scrims? (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 22,403 views, 690 likes, 0 dislikes and 46 comments.

(07:34) (8 years ago)
Metalworks Map Review (TF2)

Metalworks Map Review (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 7,894 views, 343 likes, 0 dislikes and 19 comments.

(06:00) (8 years ago)
How to Practice Medic (TF2)

How to Practice Medic (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 39,858 views, 1,311 likes, 0 dislikes and 106 comments.

Medic Match Review - ESEA-IM S22 Week 1 (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 3,552 views, 104 likes, 0 dislikes and 26 comments.

How I got my Community Medigun (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 155,335 views, 3,190 likes, 0 dislikes and 370 comments.

(06:50) (8 years ago)
Medic Healing Options (TF2)

Medic Healing Options (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 20,639 views, 688 likes, 0 dislikes and 124 comments.

Demo Review - Medic Div 2 Asia Fortress (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 3,740 views, 119 likes, 0 dislikes and 37 comments.

Standard Loadouts for 6v6 Comp League Play (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 50,979 views, 1,175 likes, 0 dislikes and 146 comments.

v2 Tracking Enemy Uber with Custom HUDs (TF2)

published 8 years ago. 11,241 views, 321 likes, 0 dislikes and 35 comments.

(18:49) (8 years ago)
DM Server Skills and Mindset

DM Server Skills and Mindset

published 8 years ago. 15,166 views, 549 likes, 0 dislikes and 65 comments.

Dmoule vs Sideshow: Battle of the Prem Roamers [TF2 Stream Highlight]

published 8 years ago. 12,849 views, 218 likes, 0 dislikes and 4 comments.

by DuMmTm
lower tier competitive cast and stream highlights
Competitive Demoman
(02:53) (9 years ago)
Abdou Drops BARS for MR SLIN

Abdou Drops BARS for MR SLIN

published 9 years ago. 3,333 views, 167 likes, 0 dislikes and 26 comments.

MR SLIN #6 - Where Are the TF2 Sponsors? (TF2)

published 9 years ago. 5,363 views, 239 likes, 0 dislikes and 45 comments.

MR SLIN #4 - Matchmaking Class and Weapon Balancing (TF2)

published 9 years ago. 5,674 views, 236 likes, 0 dislikes and 93 comments.

MR SLIN #1 - What Will Happen to Highlander? (TF2)

published 9 years ago. 11,215 views, 362 likes, 0 dislikes and 250 comments.

[TF2] Demo Review - Yomps, Scout for Team Ascent

published 9 years ago. 14,280 views, 379 likes, 0 dislikes and 46 comments.

Overwatch - Killing Bjergsen and Getting My First Legendary :D

published 9 years ago. 6,956 views, 97 likes, 0 dislikes and 15 comments.

(08:49) (9 years ago)
Viewmodels On or Off? (TF2)

Viewmodels On or Off? (TF2)

published 9 years ago. 95,639 views, 1,991 likes, 0 dislikes and 406 comments.