
Usage statistics of maps played in the whole TF2 universe (Valve, community and competitive).
0 now playing on community servers

Current activity


now playing


3 weeks ago

Map creator(s)

TF2 Mapper and Heavy Main.

Map information

This map is based on vsh_dr_bank

Map first seen on 2021-10-11 23:34:36 (CET).

Map last seen on 2024-11-25 09:40:00 (CET).

The thumbnail is from teamwork.tf map creators.

Server types


Server locations

South America
North America

Peak achievements


concurrent player(s)
11-Aug-2022 14:50 CET

concurrent server(s)
12-Oct-2021 00:34 CET

slots capacity
11-Aug-2022 14:50 CET

avg. player numbers per day
(tracked for 0 days)

Map description

About The Map:

This is a bank themed, TF2 Deathrun map where red team have to break in, steal the item deep in the inner vault and get back out alive. Blue team must use the traps defend the bank from the red invaders!

This is the "vshdr" version of the map! If you need the "dr_", see here - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=454119813


  • 18 triggerable traps with 5 additional automatic traps
  • Themed player motivator, deployed after 2 minutes of the first door breaking.
  • Idle blue players are killed after 30 seconds of round start if they have not moved from spawn.
  • Idle red players are killed once the first door has been broken.
  • Anti-Rushing systems to prevent rushers from getting too far ahead of blue.
  • Upon beating the course, red players have 30 seconds to pick between 3 win options:
  • "Humiliation" which has 11 possible humiliating scenarios
  • "Mini Game" a luck based game, or
  • "Street-fight" a 1v1 Battle to the death!
  • Alternatively should red NOT pick one within 30 seconds the map will force a red win.
  • Full 32 player support
  • Two trial effects!
  • Hidden bonus
  • Blue Hint system that allows Death to see the kill area for some traps.
  • Dynamically adjusting delays - The lobby door that triggers the alarm changes its HP based on the number of red players alive when the round starts.
  • Easy mode! If there are less than 6 red players at the start of a round, some traps are disabled!

3rd Party Content:

The maps extended development thread can be found here - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GmodTech/discussions/3/610574106416505228/

These screenshots were taken by an automated system of teamwork.tf on an bsp file with the MD5 hash ba5b5940d1ac698ae27085f9b542ab4d with map version 2397. We cannot guarantee this map was the most recent version of the map.

Spectator camera's

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  • Valve gameservers are not included in this list (but are in all statistics).
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