Usage statistics of maps played in the whole TF2 universe (Valve, community and competitive).
0 now playing on community servers
Current activity
now playing
18 hours ago
Map creator(s)
Map information
This map is based on trade_icerinkMap first seen on 2021-08-29 20:56:59 (CET).
Map last seen on 2024-10-11 05:30:00 (CET).
The thumbnail is from map creators.
Server types
Server locations
North AmericaSouth America
Peak achievements
concurrent player(s)
17-Dec-2023 04:40 CET
concurrent server(s)
10-Jun-2023 20:40 CET
slots capacity
10-Jun-2023 20:40 CET
avg. player numbers per day
(tracked for 0 days)
Map description
A cozy ice rink for players to hang around on and go ice skating. The map includes two locker rooms for each team that lead into the ice rink. The ice rink is in a large oval shape with an island in the middle. On the island you'll find a cafe, a heavy boxing ring, and many places to sit and relax for a bit. A huge skylight illuminates the rink with the night sky. On top of the many places to sit around rink, there's also a dance floor for players hang out at and listen to music at if they get bored. There are five tracks that can be played here that can only be heard in this room. Enjoy your stay!
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- These records are stored for 14 days, due to resource constraints.
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