I upload TF2 more often than not but I may do the occasional 'off' video.
Casual United Kingdom English language 12y 8m
Casual United Kingdom English language 12y 8m

No summary.
Unusuals ~16 keys in total

Channel statistics
Videos made | 114 videos |
TF2 videos made | 58 videos (51% of all videos) |
TF2 views | 31,618 views (77% of all views) |
TF2 comments | 1,579 comments |
Subscribers | 537 subscribers
-8 in last 6 months |
Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:

TF2 ¦ Pyro Gameplay w/ Xyphonics
Most disliked TF2 video:

TF2 ¦ Civillian Glitch [Gun Mettle] w/ Clock [FIXED]
First known TF2 video:

TF2 MvM Part 1 - "SCOUT'S MONEY!"
Channel trailer
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