Hey there! My name is Zova, and i make mostly TF2 related videos.
Casual Norway English language 9y 0m Spy
Casual Norway English language 9y 0m Spy
Ive always wanted to be something more then "just" a gamer. I love creating content inside the world you and me spend so much time in. Making videos and SFM posters have pretty much become a hobby besides playing TF2. I post videos such as weapon reviews, top 5's and casual commentaries. If you're into stuff like that, then i suggest you check out my youtube channel!
Unusuals ~16 keys in total
Channel statistics
Videos made | 27 videos |
TF2 videos made | 25 videos (93% of all videos) |
TF2 views | 66,691 views (99% of all views) |
TF2 comments | 903 comments |
Subscribers | 608 subscribers
-4 in last 6 months |
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