TF2 MvM tutorials and more!
Casual Rome, Italy English language 14y 5m Medic


Hello! Being a TF2uber since 2011, my specialty is everything can help people at playing TF2 Co-op mode, namely MANN VS MACHINES: the channel is filled up with Class Tutorials, Best weapons, Worst layouts for amusement, FAQ at Australium/Ticket. Every Valve's mission is debunked but above all a great attention to Custom MvM maps and modes (MvM Meets the, Stop That Tank, et cetera) is put into the channel. I doubt you can find a 360° MvM focues higher than here elsewhere. ;)

Unusuals ~198 keys in total


Maps reviewed/played showing last 4

Channel statistics

Videos made 387 videos
TF2 videos made 370 videos (96% of all videos)
TF2 views 5,084,797 views (99% of all views)
TF2 comments 12,796 comments
Subscribers 11,000 subscribers
-100 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
(19:07) (11 years ago)
TF2 - MvM: Being a Robot against Humans
Most disliked TF2 video:
(01:46) (12 years ago)
TF2: Pyro telecamping for fun!
First known TF2 video:
(07:05) (13 years ago)
TF2: Gunslinger Engie in a nutshell

Channel trailer

(11:30) (9 years ago)
What this Channel is all about

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Random picks (13)

Sun 20 August 2023
with a chance of -9.09%

Wed 22 March 2023
with a chance of 1.1%

Fri 17 February 2023
with a chance of 0.94%

Mon 11 October 2021
with a chance of 0.92%

Mon 06 September 2021
with a chance of 0.96%

Fri 21 May 2021
with a chance of 0.95%

Sun 11 April 2021
with a chance of 0.88%

Mon 21 October 2019
with a chance of 0.68%

Wed 12 June 2019
with a chance of 0.77%

Wed 23 May 2018
with a chance of 0.51%

Sun 07 January 2018
with a chance of 0.51%

Thu 03 August 2017
with a chance of 0.55%

Mon 08 August 2016
with a chance of 0.2%


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