Adicto al TF2. Pyro main. Hago videos y así. Estudiante de ingeniería.
Casual Chihuahua, Mexico Spanish language 13y 4m Pyro


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Maps reviewed/played showing last 4

Channel statistics

Videos made 151 videos
TF2 videos made 88 videos (58% of all videos)
TF2 views 1,017,577 views (64% of all views)
TF2 comments 7,998 comments
Subscribers 11,300 subscribers
-100 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.

Channel trailer

Random picks (3)

Tue 10 July 2018
with a chance of 0.53%

Mon 15 January 2018
with a chance of 0.51%

Fri 08 December 2017
with a chance of 0.49%


Video collaborations


Worked together with these TF2 YouTubers to create a video.
Tutoriales, tips, guías, gameplays acerca de Team Fortress ...
Soy el nerd que juega videojuegos y reacciona a memes


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