I make videos that explain TF2's mechanics in a new and entertaining way, by using statistics and science to prove/disprove myths ...
Competitive London, United Kingdom English language 11y 0m
Competitive London, United Kingdom English language 11y 0m

haha funny joke about how spy is the worst class in the game haha.
Unusuals ~557 keys in total



Maps reviewed/played showing last 4
Channel statistics
Videos made | 156 videos |
TF2 videos made | 83 videos (53% of all videos) |
TF2 views | 53,806 views (21% of all views) |
TF2 comments | 982 comments |
Subscribers | 1,520 subscribers
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TF2: Hit and Killsound Guide in 60 Seconds
Most disliked TF2 video:

UGC Steel Preseason | Spy POV w/ Discord | Scrim: cp_steel/pl_badwater/koth_product
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TF2: Rambling 'Round The Rambunctious Firebug
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Thu 23 July 2020
with a chance of 0.83%
Fri 19 June 2020
with a chance of 0.78%
Thu 06 June 2019
with a chance of 0.75%