Professor Heavy's Source Shenanigans

I make shitpost/serious videos on TF2, and less frequently, the Source Engine.
Casual Manchester, United Kingdom English language 7y 8m Heavy


No summary.

Unusuals ~37 keys in total


Maps reviewed/played showing last 4

Channel statistics

Videos made 30 videos
TF2 videos made 14 videos (47% of all videos)
TF2 views 760,694 views (48% of all views)
TF2 comments 3,437 comments
Subscribers 9,300 subscribers
-10 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
(06:56) (6 years ago)
Replacing almost EVERY TF2 sound with the Soldier's Death Scream
Most disliked TF2 video:
(18:41) (4 years ago)
Team Fortress 2 - Everyone Is Soldier
First known TF2 video:
(01:33) (7 years ago)
Team Fortress 2 - Mantreads x32

Channel trailer

Medal cabinet

Community medals

Random picks (3)

Wed 17 August 2022
with a chance of 1%

Tue 31 May 2022
with a chance of 1.03%

Mon 15 June 2020
with a chance of 0.8%


Community medals


View the last videos created by this content creator.