Im a biology student in the university of "La Coruña" In Spain, I upload videos because i have a nice time editing this. Im 21 ye...
Casual Cambre, Galicia, Spain Spanish language 10y 9m Scout


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Videos made 74 videos
TF2 videos made 30 videos (41% of all videos)
TF2 views 318,842 views (90% of all views)
TF2 comments 2,718 comments
Subscribers 4,190 subscribers
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(10:59) (8 years ago)
TF2-Por que gano el pyro?-Opinión
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TF2-Quemando todo con críticos!
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(13:53) (9 years ago)
Team Fortress 2-Halloween 2015 Misiones

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View the last videos created by this content creator.
(10:08) (7 years ago)
(11:01) (8 years ago)
TAG de Team Fortress 2
(12:22) (8 years ago)
TF2-Hightower en llamas
(12:06) (8 years ago)
Tf2-Deathrun gameplay
(11:32) (8 years ago)
Tf2-Mannpower :D
(11:53) (8 years ago)
Tf2-He vuelto :)