HocTap SFM

Yo man. My name is HocTap. I'm the coolest/worst SFM animator of all time. Check out my channel, if you want to.
Animation Switzerland English language 10y 11m Scout


No summary.

Unusuals ~22 keys in total


Channel statistics

Videos made 50 videos
TF2 videos made 32 videos (64% of all videos)
TF2 views 1,829,128 views (99% of all views)
TF2 comments 2,335 comments
Subscribers 4,630 subscribers
+40 in last 6 months

Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
(03:51) (8 years ago)
[Bad SFM] Meet the Civilian
Most disliked TF2 video:
(00:10) (7 years ago)
[SFM] The Iron Bomber
First known TF2 video:
(03:51) (8 years ago)
[Bad SFM] Meet the Civilian

Channel trailer

Medal cabinet

Competitive medals

Community medals

Random picks (6)

Wed 18 August 2021
with a chance of 1.01%

Thu 21 January 2021
with a chance of 0.91%

Mon 07 September 2020
with a chance of 0.95%

Sun 28 June 2020
with a chance of 0.81%

Thu 07 March 2019
with a chance of 0.63%

Sat 30 September 2017
with a chance of 0.53%


Video collaborations

Competitive medals Community medals


View the last videos created by this content creator.
(00:03) (3 years ago)
[SFM] Sniper TF2 Says Cheese
(00:04) (3 years ago)
[SFM] Goldfish be like
(00:06) (4 years ago)
[SFM] OMG I'm black
(02:07) (4 years ago)
[SFM] The Secret Event
(00:08) (4 years ago)
(00:09) (4 years ago)
(00:22) (4 years ago)
[SFM] Ride Wife, Life Good