Die Chance
Slick editing, amazing artwork, and middle school poop humour
Casual IL, United States English language 9y 3m
Casual IL, United States English language 9y 3m
My name is Die Chance, professional furry and youtube extraordinaire. On my youtube channel, you will find:
- Podcasts with garbage microphones
- Streams that go offline in the middle of a game
- And some pretty fuckin' quality videos :ok_hand::skin-tone-5:
So subscribe and enjoy watching a child slave away at his computer all day making content for you guys! (Whilst ignoring all real life responsibilities)
Channel statistics
Videos made | 36 videos |
TF2 videos made | 17 videos (47% of all videos) |
TF2 views | 186,462 views (96% of all views) |
TF2 comments | 1,122 comments |
Subscribers | 928 subscribers
-16 in last 6 months |
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