Default Guy
Puerto Rican Highlander Heavy Main that likes to frag and goof around. I'm also a War Paint designer.
Casual Puerto Rico English language 9y 5m Heavy
Casual Puerto Rico English language 9y 5m Heavy
Hey, I'm Default Guy. I'm a TF2 Highlander and Prolander Heavy main and War Paint Designer. I mostly do Twitch livestreams and make the occasional YouTube video. I do compilations of my casual shenanigans and competitive escapades, the occasional commentary on a subject and I plan on doing more educational videos in the future.
Unusuals ~41 keys in total
Channel statistics
Videos made | 51 videos |
TF2 videos made | 23 videos (45% of all videos) |
TF2 views | 31,511 views (21% of all views) |
TF2 comments | 92 comments |
Subscribers | 462 subscribers
+30 in last 6 months |
Like/dislike ratio on TF2 related videos.
Most liked TF2 video:
Most disliked TF2 video:
Cascade Heavy is Wack.
First known TF2 video:
2Fort Demoknight is Wack.
Channel trailer
Medal cabinet
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Random picks (1)
Fri 22 October 2021
with a chance of 0.88%