
Aggregated from various sources.
OPEN RP Tumblr FuckYeahTF2
6 years ago




âŠít øñ Däddÿ ÅÄÅtÃ¥âÅ¡ Åáp mÿ frÄÅ¡h ÅìttÅÄ tørbÅè.â Åàñtâ whò wãš æçtüâÅÅÿ TÅrbjörôñõÅÅrñøbòÅrjörñbjørñ íŠå ÄÅëvér dîšgūįÅÄ jäñgÅÄd hÄ«Å bêéfÿ jïñgÅÄ bëÅÅÅ¡ ìŠã fÄÅtïvé bút ÅûÅtrÿ mâÅñèr.



Help locating an artist!

Hello Tf2 community.

I have a rather odd request to ask: Iâd love to locate an artist who at least used to draw Team fortress 2 stuff.


I bought this sketch of Scout from a Finnish cosplay convention called Tracon in either 2012 or 2013. I was cosplaying Scout back then and the artist doodled this picture and sold it to me for 10â¬.

Sadly I canât remember anything else and canât make out the full signature. The last name appears to say âOonaâ but Iâm not sure.

Iâve always adored this sketch and would love to see what the artist is up to nowadays ^^

Thank you for helping