âSun Tzu once said âTo defeat the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.â Lucky for us, Sun Tzu is dead. Now you Khan senselessly massacre your enemies in style while dressed like Asiaâs favourite warmonger.â
A Mongolian Empire themed set for Demoman, including:
âThen he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth, and then he herded them onto a boat, and then he beat the crap out of every single one.â
This contest is the culmination of thousands of years of warfare, it is unlike anything youâve ever seen before. Hats will be made, weapons will be painted, bodily fluids will be spilled. Everyone is invited to create the best eastern themed items for the TF2 workshop. The victor of this contest will be granted a small island*, where they will be able to start their new dynasty.
*Island is actually a digital medal.Â
The Spoils of War
Sun Tzu once said âKnow thy self, know thy cosmetics. A thousand contests, a thousand victories.â Those that succeed in their conquest will be rewarded with these defeat-proof medals. Participants that do not win will receive an inferior, less impressive medal for their efforts.
War. Conquest. Victory. There is no greater way to test the will of man. There is also no better way to award them than with fabulous prizes. Whether you create robes of the smoothest silk or a cap fit for the mightiest ruler, the victor of this event will be showered with the finest jewels, endless wealth, and whatever else the heart desires.*
*Whatever the heart desires must be limited to $60 USD.
For more details about Journey to the Eastâs contest including rules, FAQ, and prize pool breakdown, please check out their website HERE!